All pages
From SpinetiX Support Wiki
- 3D
- 3G/4G modem
- 3G/4G router
- 3G modem
- 3G modems
- 3rd-party players
- 802.1X
- 802.1X Port-Based Network Access Control
- 802.1x
- Accessing data from Exchange, Domino, Notes and Outlook
- Accessing data from calendar applications
- Accounting
- Accounting log
- Active Directory
- Add a mouse cursor
- Add and remove players from Cockpit
- Add player to Cockpit
- Advanced Applications
- Advanced Video modes
- Advanced applications settings
- Advanced display settings
- Advanced video settings
- Ajax
- Analog clock
- Analog clock widget
- Analog clock widgets
- Animated Playlist
- Animated playlist
- Animated playlist widgets
- Animation
- Animations
- Apache Log4j vulnerability
- App
- Apps
- Apps Clocks
- Apps Date
- Apps Media
- Apps Message
- Apps QR code
- Apps RSS news
- Apps Text
- Apps Ticker
- Apps Weather
- Archive
- Arya
- Assets
- Assets (Elementi GUI)
- Assets repository
- Astronomy widgets
- Audio
- Audio codec
- Audio decoding
- Audio output
- Audit Trail API
- Audit trail API
- Automate alerts with Power Automate
- Automation API
- Axis
- Axis M3045-V network camera
- Axis Q7401 video encoder
- Background app
- Background widgets
- Backup
- Bandwidth
- Bandwidth management
- Barcode readers
- Beta firmware
- Beta testing
- Birthday widgets
- Blue button
- Bluefin Ocean
- Bluetooth
- Browse panel
- Built-in content management application
- Cache
- Caching
- Calendar file
- Calendar file usage
- Calendar files
- Calendar panel
- Calendar widget
- Calendar widgets
- Calendar widgets in Elementi 2015
- Calendar widgets in Elementi 2016
- Calendar widgets in Elementi 2017
- Calendar widgets in Elementi 2017 and 2018
- Calendars
- Channel
- Channels
- Character encoding
- Chart
- Chart widgets
- Charts
- Client/Server mode
- Clipart widgets
- Clock
- Clock app
- Clock apps
- Clock widgets
- Cloud APIs
- Cloud Maintenance March 2022
- Cloud Maintenance May 2022
- Cockpit
- Cockpit account
- Cockpit alerts and notifications
- Cockpit channels
- Cockpit release notes
- Cockpit services
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
- Compatible GPS receivers
- Compatible RfID readers
- Conditional ending
- Configuration API
- Configuration Wizard
- Configuration backup
- Configuration file
- Configuration files
- Configuration wizard
- Configure IIS as server for Pull mode
- Configure player from USB stick
- Connect to HMP from OS X
- Connect to an HMP from OSX
- Content
- Content - HMP
- Content Apps
- Content Playlist
- Content Playout
- Content Settings
- Content Settings 3.x
- Content creation tool
- Content delegation
- Content management
- Content management application
- Content pull
- Content push
- Content scheduling tool
- Content server
- Content settings
- Content settings on HMP
- Content switch widgets
- Content tips
- Control Center
- Control Center - System
- Control Center home page
- Control Center landing page
- Control center
- Counter widget
- Counter widgets
- Crawler
- Create Content
- Create a master playlist
- Create a playlist of videos
- Create a randomly falling image animation
- Create a video playlist
- Create an Elementi widget
- Create an interactive travel project
- Create custom image animation
- Create interactive content with jSignage
- Create new effects with jSignage
- Create new transitions with jSignage
- Creating new effects with jSignage
- Credentials
- Crestron
- Custom HTML interface
- Custom Recurrence Rules
- Custom Recurrence Rules dialog
- Custom display settings
- Custom font
- Custom fonts
- Custom recurrence rules
- Custom resolution
- Custom widgets
- Customize a data-driven widget
- Customize an Elementi widget
- DSOS Kiosk
- DSOS SYSTEMS license
- DSOS Systems
- DSOS activation license
- DSOS activation licenses
- DSOS firmware update
- DSOS licence
- DSOS license
- DSOS player
- DSOS players
- DSOS release notes
- DSOS update
- Data-driven
- Data-driven widget
- Data-driven widgets
- Data Feed Properties
- Data Feeds
- Data Properties
- Data driven
- Data feed
- Data feed synchronization
- Data feed widget
- Data feed widgets
- Data feed widgets in Elementi 2015
- Data feed widgets in Elementi 2016
- Data feed widgets in Elementi 2017 and 2018
- Data feeds
- Data filters
- Data parsers
- Data placeholder
- Data placeholders
- Data source
- Data sources
- Data types
- Database
- Date/Time
- Date Time widget
- Date app
- Date format
- Date widgets
- Dates widgets
- Delegate content creation
- Deprecated logs
- Deregister an Elementi license from Cockpit
- Dev:Multiscreen synchronized content
- Developer Console
- Device discovery
- Device information widgets
- Device name
- Devices
- Devices:Etrovision EV3151A
- Devices:Exterity AvediaStream e2110
- Devices:Exterity AvediaStream e3532
- Devices:Haivision Makito Encoder
- Devices:Haivision Torpedo
- Devices:Panasonic WV-SF336 IP Camera
- Devices:VSI AVN200
- Devices (Elementi GUI)
- DiVA
- DiVA Control Center
- DiVA address
- DiVA web interface
- Digital Signage Operating System
- Digital clock widget
- Digital clock widgets
- Directory Listing
- Display
- Display & Audio - DiVA
- Display & Audio - HMP
- Display 4K content on HMP350 with a multiscreen project
- Display 4K content with a multiscreen project
- Display Settings
- Display Settings 3.x
- Display a JSON data feed
- Display a clock in a different time zone
- Display an Excel file
- Display an RSS text ticker
- Display and audio settings
- Display and audio settings on DiVA
- Display and audio settings on HMP
- Display images at random positions
- Display media content
- Display power management
- Display power save
- Display power saving
- Display settings
- Display streaming media content
- Display the content of a spreadsheet file
- Displaying Outlook Calendar data
- Displaying a text file
- Displaying an RSS slideshow
- Displaying calendar events
- Displaying spreadsheets
- Diva
- Download Elementi
- Download firmware
- Dsos
- Dsos license
- Edit panel
- Effects
- Elementi
- Elementi 2015
- Elementi 2015 Library
- Elementi 2016
- Elementi 2016 Widgets
- Elementi 2016 widgets
- Elementi 2017
- Elementi 2017 Widgets
- Elementi 2018
- Elementi 2018 Widgets
- Elementi 2020
- Elementi 2021
- Elementi 2023
- Elementi 2023 Update 1 release notes
- Elementi 2023 Update 2 release notes
- Elementi 2023 Update 3 release notes
- Elementi 2023 Update 4 release notes
- Elementi 2023 Update 5 release notes
- Elementi 2023 Update 6 release notes
- Elementi 2023 release notes
- Elementi 3
- Elementi 3.0
- Elementi 3.1
- Elementi 3.x
- Elementi 3.x Library
- Elementi 30-day free trial
- Elementi 3 Library
- Elementi Devices
- Elementi GUI
- Elementi Layout
- Elementi Library
- Elementi M
- Elementi Playlist
- Elementi S
- Elementi Schedule
- Elementi UI
- Elementi Update Plan
- Elementi Widgets
- Elementi X
- Elementi devices view
- Elementi free trial
- Elementi interface
- Elementi latest version
- Elementi layers
- Elementi layout
- Elementi layouts
- Elementi licence
- Elementi license
- Elementi license management in Cockpit
- Elementi license release
- Elementi log
- Elementi playlist
- Elementi playlists
- Elementi project
- Elementi projects
- Elementi release notes
- Elementi sample projects
- Elementi schedule
- Elementi schedules
- Elementi trial