Configuration backup

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This page is about the configuration backup feature, based on the Configuration API page. It applies to all players models.


The configuration backup feature, present in Control Center since 2.2.1 firmware release, allows the user to generate a complete configuration of that player as an archive file (7z) containing:

  • A config.xml file describing the current settings of the player.
  • Any custom splash screen images (JPG or PNG) previously uploaded onto the device.
  • Custom FSM protocol files previously uploaded onto the device.

It is possible to modify a full-configuration backup file to create a custom configuration file - you can also add splash screen images, FSM protocol files and even default content for Fusion interface.

The configuration backup file can be used to:

Generate a configuration backup

DSOS players

System → Configuration Backup

To generate a configuration backup from the player, follow these steps:

  1. Open Control Center and go to System > Configuration Backup.
  2. If the configuration backup should include credentials used on the player, make sure to enable "Include users and passwords" option.
    • By default, the sensitive information will be encrypted with a secret key and can only be restored on this player. If it should be used onto other players, then click the "Change Encryption" button and set a custom passphrase for encryption.
  3. Click the "Get Config" button to generate a configuration backup containing the current settings of the player.
  4. Download the "config-Serial_number.cfg" file on your PC.

Legacy players

Maintenance → Backup tab

To generate a configuration backup from the HMP, follow these steps:

  1. Open HMP Control Center and go to Maintenance > Backup tab.
  2. If the configuration backup should include credentials used on the player, make sure to enable "Backup users and passwords" option.
  3. Click on the "Backup" button to generate a configuration backup containing the current settings of the HMP device.
  4. Download the "config-Serial_number.cfg" file on your PC.
Note Notes:
  • Before 3.1.1 firmware release, the configuration backup file extension was .spx.
  • Before 3.0.0 firmware release, the configuration backup file was just the current config.xml file.

Restore a configuration backup

Note Note:
When restoring a configuration backup generated from a player having the default device name (which is the player serial number), the device name of the target player remains unchanged. Otherwise, that custom device name is set on the target player as well.

DSOS players

The configuration backup file can have one of the following extensions: cfg, spx, xml, 7z, or zip.
Control Center home page

To restore a configuration backup generated from the same player, follow these steps:

  1. Open Control Center.
  2. Click the "Restore Config" button and select a configuration backup file from your PC.
  3. Wait for the player to reboot in order to apply the configuration. A short list with the modified parameters is displayed.
System → Configuration Backup

To restore a configuration backup generated from another player, follow these steps:

  1. Open Control Center and go to System > Configuration Backup.
  2. Click the "Change Encryption" button and enter the same passphrase used for encryption on the source player.
  3. Click the "Restore Config" button and select a configuration backup file from your PC.
  4. Wait for the player to reboot in order to apply the configuration. A short list with the modified parameters is displayed.

Legacy players

Maintenance → Backup tab

To restore a configuration backup, follow these steps:

  1. Open HMP Control Center and go to Maintenance > Backup tab.
  2. Click on the "Browse" button to select a configuration backup file from your PC.
    • The configuration backup file can have one of the following extensions: cfg, spx, xml, 7z, and zip.
  3. Click on the "Restore" button to apply the configuration onto the HMP.
  4. Wait for the HMP to reboot in order to apply the configuration. A short list with the modified parameters is displayed.


See full article about the file format on the Configuration API page.

The config.xml file contains an XML string composed of one or more configuration commands to be executed by the player when restoring it.

The config.xml file included into the configuration backup generated by the player contains the complete configuration of that player. It can be modified to contain less configuration settings so that it can be applied on multiple players – in this case, the settings not present in the config.xml file will keep their current value.

Custom configuration backup

A custom configuration backup file can be easily generated from a full-configuration backup file generated by the player, by following these steps:

  1. Open the configuration backup file (with 7-Zip or similar) or extract its contents somewhere.
  2. Edit the config.xml file and remove the settings that don't need to be restored. Eventually, change some settings, like static IP address or device name, as these should be unique on the network.
  3. Add the modified file back to the archive.
  4. To include splash screen images into the configuration backup archive, add one or more images named as: splash (for boot screen), shutdown, firmware-upd, followed by .jpg or .png extension.
  5. To include custom protocol files into the configuration backup archive, add one or more files with the .fsm extension.
  6. Done - the configuration backup file can be restored as explained above.
Note Notes:
  • Only the settings within the config.xml file will be modified when restored, all the other are not changed.
  • It is recommended to have the same firmware version on both the source and destination players, to avoid any problems restoring the configuration backup.
  • The maximum size of the configuration backup file is 10 Mb.

Fusion default content

Applies to HMP200, HMP130, HMP100.

If the configuration backup contains a 7z file called "fusion-default.7z", and Fusion is enabled, the default content provided will automatically be restored the first time a user logs into the Fusion interface.

The configuration backup generated from HMP Control Center doesn't include any Fusion content; instead, such a Fusion backup file must be generated from Fusion interface under Settings page.


Applies to DSOS players.

Starting with firmware 4.2.0, the saved passwords and other secrets are encrypted before being added in the configuration backup. The AES-256 cipher encryption is used with either a built-in encryption key or a user configured passphrase.

  • The encryption key is different on each device by default; this means that, by default, a configuration backup from one player cannot be restored on another one. The encryption key is never exported from the device (so it stays secure) and is stored in a persistent data storage area, hence a backup can be restored even after a reset to factory default settings or firmware reinstall.
  • Users can set a passphrase that can be shared among players if needed; a configuration backup of one player can be restored on another one if the same passphrase has been set on both. The passphrase is not stored, it is only used to derive the encryption key in an irreversible way.

See also

This page was last modified on 17 September 2024, at 12:45.