Elementi 2023 release notes
From SpinetiX Support Wiki

For other versions, see the Elementi release notes page.
- Added support the new SpinetiX players: iBX410 and iBX440.
- Added a new project model: "DSOS 8K", to be used with iBX440 players.
- Added support for importing HDR and 8K videos. HDR videos are tone-mapped on import.
- Added support for close subtitling/captioning (CC) on video files or streaming media - subtitles can now be displayed on the screen in the selected language; the following formats are supported: EIA-708 (Line 21), Teletext, DVB, DVD, Blu-ray, SSA.
- Added SRT protocol support for streaming sources. This is a Technology Preview Feature.
- Added support for logging into SpinetiX ARYA™ using Google/Facebook social accounts or SSO, for cloud users set up to use those means of authentication, in addition to the previously supported e-mail and password credentials.
- Updated the HTML rendering engine to CEF / Chromium 95.
- Updated FFmpeg to version 4.4.3 for subtitles support and other improved video support.
- Updated GStreamer to version 1.20
- Added support for Opus audio codec.
- Show the available audio and subtitle tracks in media information panel, including the language code.
- Added capability to select a particular audio track within a video file by setting the
attribute to a language code (e.g., "ENG", "FRA", "SPA", etc.), "QAA" (for the original language), or "QAD" (for audio description). - Updated Intel Media SDK to 2021 R1 for full support of hardware accelerators for video encoding on newer Intel CPUs.
- Tuned quality factors for transcoding videos to HEVC upon import.
- More accurate detection of when transcoding is required for playback on the project's target players.
- Weather widgets
- The weather widgets now use ARYA-style icons for the weather conditions, and their default location is set to Geneva.
- The "Current Weather" widget shows min/max temperatures and has a new option to skip the current day within the forecast widgets.
- Added a new "Forecast" widget.
- Interactive widgets
- Reworked the Virtual Keyboard widget to follow the standard CLDR keyboard specification.
- Added a Pop-up Virtual Keyboard widget for web pages.
- "Sun Times Playlist" widget
- Added a "Night" option and updated the layout to show a greeting text according to the 4 available options.
- Removed the "Default media" option and added a warning message when no slides are defined.
- Flickr widgets now show the Flickr logo when no account is configured.
- Publishing a project to a specific ARYA account if more than one is connected is now done via "Project Properties" in the project's context menu.
- Twitter widgets have been removed since Twitter is no longer allowing applications as those used in the widgets.
- Transcoding of videos with a format that is supported but not recommended, did not work as expected in multiscreen projects.
- Show correct bitstream header names in logs.
- Improved the RSS parsing by adding the support for retrieving the default media of a media object/group, defined with the "isDefault" attribute (used by Fox News RSS feeds, for instance).
- Replaced
timer with an SVG timer in jSignage.UI.fingerTouchClass to prevent safe mode when using the fingerTouch animation within a multiscreen project. Increased the JSignage UI plugin library version to 1.1.2.