Date app

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Apps Date

The Apps DAte is used to display customizable and very useful date info

  • Choose and customize font and color
  • Automatic date format adjustment
  • Multi-lingual


The Apps Date do not have any properties.



The Apps can be freely positioned anywhere in the Playout as long as it does not overlap other Apps.

The Apps have the following configurations parameters

  • Type
    Type of date to be displayed
    • Date: display the current date
    • Time: Display the current time
    • Date & Time: Display the current date and time
  • Locale
    Locale use to display the date and the time. Many different locale can be selected.
  • Length
    Quantity of information to be displayed. A short length will use a compact notation for the date, whereas a long leng will use a very verbose version of the date.
  • Color
    Color of the text
  • Font
    Font used to display the date. Only built-in fonts can be used.
  • Background
    Color of the background
This page was last modified on 5 May 2017, at 14:06.