Player troubleshooting

From SpinetiX Wiki
Applies to HMP400/W, HMP350,HMP300, and DiVA players.


This page contains some steps to follow when troubleshooting the most common player problems. Make sure to check the Get started with the player tutorial beforehand.

Player does not work

This can actually mean different things: the player doesn't power up, the player fails to boot up, there's no image on the screen, the player cannot be reached over the network, etc.

To troubleshoot, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug all the cables from the player.
  2. Connect only the external power supply cable and observe the player LEDs → the PWR LED must be solid green to proceed.
    • In case of using PoE with the HMP400/W, make sure to connect the Ethernet cable to a PoE port of the switch. If possible, try with an external USB-C power supply as well.
    • If there is no LED activity, then try a valid alternative power supply. Note Warning: Do not use a third party power supply.
    • If the PWR LED is red (solid or blinking), check the LED page for more details and troubleshooting.
    • If the PWR LED doesn't light up at all or blinks blueRMA (the player does not power up)
  3. Check the SYS LED → it must blink green to proceed.
  4. Connect the display cable and wait for the player to boot up completely.
  5. Connect the network cable
  6. Other problems?
Note Note:
Please include the result of each step in your email when contacting SpinetiX Support.

No image on the screen

  1. Check that the screen in turned on and the correct input source is selected.
  2. Restart the player and check whether the splash screen is shown.
  3. Wait for the player to boot up and check that it is running normally - the SYS LED blinks green and the PWR LED is solid green.
    • If any LED is red, then see the LED page for more details about that particular case.
  4. Connect to the player web interface and check the snapshot to make sure that there's some content set to be displayed.
  5. Check that the display power saving is not turned on. For legacy players, check VGA power saving as well.
  6. Check with another display cable.
  7. Check with another screen, preferably from a different manufacturer.

Cannot connect to the player

  1. Check that the player is running normally → the SYS LED blinks green and the PWR LED is solid green.
  2. Check that the Ethernet cable is correctly connected on both ends.
    • If one or more switches are used, check that the corresponding LEDs are blinking, showing network activity.
    • In case the player is connected directly to your PC and the latter doesn't support Gigabit Ethernet, make sure to use an Ethernet crossover cable.
  3. Check the activity of the network LED(s) on your player side.
  4. Check that you have correctly written the player address on your web browser - briefly press and release the player blue button to have them displayed on the screen.
  5. Check that your web browser does not have a proxy configured, preventing access.
  6. Check the network configuration of your PC allows connecting to the player's IP address.
    • Note that your PC might indicate that only limited network connectivity is available - this will not prevent connecting to the player.
    • If the player is using an autoconfigured IP in the range 169.254.*.*, then the IP of your PC must be in the same range - you might need to manually change the IP configuration of your PC.
  7. Check with another network cable.

See also