Elementi license management in Cockpit

From SpinetiX Support Wiki

Elementi license management is one of the services provided by Cockpit - see also Player monitoring in Cockpit.


Elementi License Management service offers to Cockpit users the possibility to register, manually activate, and manage their Elementi licenses for free, and to request Update Plan extensions (premium service) for their Elementi licenses.


The main benefits of using the Elementi license management service are:

  • Online access to information related to Elementi licenses inventory.
    This allows retrieving information related to Elementi licenses, that you own or manage for your customers, such as: license version (S / M / X), Update plan status, license key, serial number, status, last installed version of Elementi and eventual tags used to classify your licenses. This allows tracking the license usage and knowing the activation date of each license. It is useful in case the license card is lost or misplaced, computer crashed etc.
  • Emergency releases for licenses.
    This allows for maximum 3 emergency releases of a activated license, when you do not have access to release the license from Elementi.
  • Purchase Update Plan extensions for any of the registered Elementi license keys.
    This allows updating your Elementi software version to the latest Elementi version released by SpinetiX within the active period of the Update Plan, at a lower price than purchasing a new license. Plus, you get to keep your current license key.
  • Secure data access from Elementi to your cloud accounts (e.g., Flickr, Google, OneDrive), also known as channels.

Register License

Register Elementi licenses into Cockpit

To register one or more Elementi licenses in Cockpit, follow these steps:

  1. Open Cockpit web portal (https://cockpit.spinetix.com) in your browser.
  2. Log into your Cockpit account. If you don't have one, sign up for a Cockpit account.
    • Note that accounts from spinetix.com website are not valid on Cockpit.
  3. Once logged in, click on "Elementi" link on the top menu.
  4. Click on "Register license" button on the top-right side.
  5. Enter the license key(s). A new line is automatically added after entering a license.
  6. Press the "Register" button.
    • If you get an error message saying "License key is not recognized ...", then double-check that the license key is correct - look especially for similar characters like 0 and O, 1 and I, 5 and S, etc.
    • If you get an error message saying "License key already registered by ...", then another person has registered the license before - if you know who that is, ask that person to deregister it from his / her account before trying again; otherwise, ask for support.

Done! The license is added to your account and can be found on the list of all your registered licenses.

License management

Elementi licenses page prior to registering any license
Elementi licenses registered under Cockpit

Click on the top menu "Elementi" link to get a quick overview of your registered licenses.

  • If no license has been registered, the "Get Trial License" button is present and can be used to generate an Elementi free trial license.
  • Otherwise, this page shows a summary of your Elementi licenses. You can export these licenses as a CSV file by clicking the "Export to CSV" button on top of the page.


All licenses are showed by default and several filters are present as shortcuts on the left-side menu:

  • Activated - shows the licenses that are activated,
  • Update Plans - shows the licenses that have a valid Update Plan,
  • No Update Plan - shows the licenses that had never been activated or have an expired Update Plan,
  • About to expire - shows the licenses that have an Update Plan about to expire,
  • Expired - shows the licenses that have an expired Update Plan,
  • Viewers - shows the licenses registered by viewers.

Summary listing

The summary listing of selected licenses contain the following columns:

  • License
    Shows the license type, the Update Plan validity and a button to buy a new Update Plan.
  • License Key
    Shows the first and last digits of the registered license key; hover the cell to see the full license key, click on it to open the details page for that license.
  • Serial No
    Shows the license card ID.
  • Status
    Shows the license status - can be:
    • Registered: The license has been registered and is available to be used on a new PC
    • Activated: The license has been activated on a PC.
  • Version
    Shows the last Elementi version used with that license; click on it to open the Elementi release notes page at the section corresponding to that version, so you can download that specific version.
  • Tags
    Shows the tags associated with that license.

License details

Elementi license details page

The license details page contains the following:

  • License key
    Shows the first and last digits of the license key; hover the cell to see the full license key.
  • Action buttons (see details below):
    • Unregister - removes the license key from the current Cockpit account, so that it can be registered under a different Cockpit account.
    • Emergency Release - allows releasing the license when this cannot be done from Elementi; it is limited to 3 attempts, so it should be used only in real cases of emergency! See Elementi license page for more details.
    • Buy Update Plan - allows buying an Update Plan subscription for this license.
    • Update - saves tag list changes.
  • General information about the current activation:
    • Emergency releases left for this license.
    • Update Plan end date.
    • Card serial number
    • Product code
    • Valid MAC addresses associated with the license
    • FQDN - the complete domain name of the computer where the license is activated.
    • Version - the Elementi release number.
  • Tagging
    Shows the tags associated with that license; to add more tags, click on the field, then click the "Update" button on top.
  • State changes
    Shows the list of different actions (activation, renewal, emergency release) related to that license; the table contains the date, the action status, the activated version, the computer MAC addresses and the action's expiration time.

Deregister the license

Elementi license details page

To deregister an Elementi license from your Cockpit account, follow these steps:

  1. Open Cockpit web portal (https://cockpit.spinetix.com) in your browser.
  2. Log into your Cockpit account.
    • Note that accounts from spinetix.com website are not valid on Cockpit.
  3. Click on the "Elementi" link on the top menu.
  4. Find the license you want to deregister and click on the license key link.
  5. Click on the "Unregister" red button on the top-right side.
  6. Confirm your action.

Done! The license is now available to be registered under another Cockpit account.

Note Note:
Removing the license from Cockpit doesn't free up the license from the PC where it was activated. If you need to move the license onto another PC, you (still) need to release the Elementi license.

Update Plan

The Elementi Update Plan is a new service tailored to Elementi software users. This service grants users access to all major and minor commercial updates for a period of between 1 and 3 years. The purchase of a new Elementi license comes with 1-year Update Plan included.

The Elementi Update Plan subscription service was introduced at the launch of Elementi 2015, as a convenient way for our long-supporting customers to be able to update their existing Elementi 3.x deployments to the latest product version at a lower cost than buying new licenses for that purpose. In the same manner, new customers benefit of the same convenience for updating to future Elementi products.

Why do I need a valid Elementi Update Plan?

SpinetiX is committed to keeping its Elementi software at the forefront of digital signage innovation. Elementi users can expect on-going evolution and improvements for an ultimate experience bringing digital signage to the next level. Therefore, the Elementi Update Plan offers many user benefits which could be summarized as follows:

  • Up-to-date software
    Gain unlimited access to the latest software features with Elementi Update Plan. Elementi is now in its sixth generation and features more than 250 wonderfully handy widgets, all available right from the start. As we improve and optimize the software, the list of features is constantly growing.
  • Maximum security
    Security is a fundamental element to consider when deploying and operating your digital signage installation. Important cybersecurity attacks have recently caused severe disruption of IT services and costly remediation for those affected across many sectors in numerous industries. As the prevalence of connected digital signage systems increases, it is important to have security as a core requirement when planning, deploying and operating digital signage solutions. Going for the Elementi Update Plan helps you benefit from the latest security patches for your Elementi software and HMP players. Peace of mind has never been more streamlined.
  • Best in class support
    Go for the Elementi Update Plan today and get best in class support that is local, personalized and speaks your language, on top of our freely-accessible Support Wiki. Already used the three emergency license releases? Buy the Elementi Update Plan and have the counter reset.
  • Unlimited flexibility
    Getting started with Elementi Update Plan is easy. Simply log into Cockpit web platform at anytime and buy the Elementi Update Plan via the streamlined online purchase. Elementi will notify you when a new version is out so you can test it and when the Update Plan it's close to ending so you can benefit of the early-bird offers!

How does it work?

Update Plan timeline, initial year
Update Plan timeline, second year

It's simple - the purchase of a new Elementi license comes with one-year Update Plan subscription included, which starts when the license is activated for the first time on a PC. See Elementi EULA for more details.

Any new Elementi version released within this one-year period can be installed and used for free. With other words, not only that you will get minor bug-fixing releases for the Elementi version you purchased, but might also be getting the next Elementi product for free!

Will Elementi stop working at the end of Update Plan subscription?

Of course not! You can continue to use the Elementi version downloaded and installed during its Update Plan period for as long as you like.

What changes at the end of the subscription period, is that are you are no longer entitled to free software updates. When a new Elementi version is released, you'll be notified that your Elementi Update Plan has expired and that you need to extend your Update Plan to get access to the latest version of Elementi. This is a premium service accessible through Cockpit.

Can I test the the lastest available Elementi version?

Yes, Elementi versions released after the Update Plan end-date, can be installed and tested for 30 days. After this trial period, you need to decide whether you want to keep using the newer version by purchasing the Elementi Update Plan or downgrading Elementi to the previous version.

When can I buy the Elementi Update Plan?

At any time! Simply log into your Cockpit account and purchase your Elementi Update Plan for 1 or for 3 years to benefit from all major and minor commercial updates that SpinetiX is making available to Elementi software users during the contracted subscription period.

Note Note:
Buying an Elementi Update Plan associated with a license is much lower than purchasing a new Elementi license.

Buy Elementi Update Plan

Elementi licenses registered under Cockpit
To buy the Elementi Update Plan service, you need to have your Elementi license registered into your Cockpit account. You can purchase the Elementi Update Plan for 1 or 3 years and if you choose to buy an Elementi Update Plan in advance, you can take advantage of the "Early Bird" offer

To buy the Elementi Update Plan for one or more registered licenses, follow these steps:

  1. Once notified in Elementi, click "Extend Update Plan".
  2. You'll get redirected to Cockpit. Log into your Cockpit account.
  3. Click the "Elementi" page link on the top-bar menu.
  4. Find the license for which you want to extend the Update Plan.
  5. Click "Buy" or "Early Bird Offer" (if available).
  6. Choose the duration of your plan (1 or 3 years) and hit the "Buy" button again.
  7. On the "Order Summary" page, enter any missing details or change them in case they are not correct. By default, your Cockpit account details are used for your order.
  8. Verify the order details and click the "Buy" button to purchase via a credit card - your Update Plan is directly activated after the purchase.
  9. If you want to pay by other means, click the "Request Offer" button and our Sales Team will contact you with further details.