Slideshow widgets

From SpinetiX Wiki

This page is related to Data-driven widgets and was updated for Elementi 2018 - the information below might not apply for older versions.


Sample slideshow icon
Sample slideshow icon

The "Slideshow" widgets display slides composed of text & media layers, which are automatically filled out with data retrieved from a data source (e.g., RSS feed, CSV file, calendar etc.). The slides are displayed one after another, with or without a transition effect in between, similarly to a playlist.

Slideshow widgets can be found in several folders accessible from "Widgets" / "Library" tab within the Browse panel.


Slideshow properties

The following properties, found under "Properties" tab, can be used to customize the widget:

  • Data source
    Click the Data Feed Properties button to open the Data Feed Properties dialog and edit the properties related to the data source from where the items are retrieved.
  • Locale
    Select the locale used for displaying dates and numbers.
  • Slide duration / Item duration
    Enter the number of seconds each slide is displayed on the screen.
  • Transition
    Click the Transition Properties button to open the "Transition Properties" dialog and select a transition effect and its properties.
  • Looping
    Select whether the widget ends after the last slide or loops to the first one.
Note Note:
To modify general properties of the widget, click on the Document Properties icon from the toolbar to open the "Document Properties" dialog.

Slide layout

The slideshow widget displays each set of data retrieved from the data source using a slide template, whose layout can be edited by the user. The slide layout is composed of text & media layers, that should contain one or more data placeholders (e.g., [[title]], [[description]] etc.), which are automatically filled out with data retrieved from the data source when the widget is running. The slide layout is controlled by the user from the Preview panel (mostly for design changes) and / or from the "Layers" tab in Edit panel (gives access to all the layer properties).

Editing the slide layout

To edit the slide layout within the Preview panel, follow these steps:

  1. Click once within the Preview panel to enter into "Edit mode". The widget is paused and the actual data are replaced by the fallback values (if any were defined) or the layer predefined content.
  2. Click on a layer to select it. The layer predefined content is displayed - usually that contains only the data placeholder.
  3. It is now possible to add, remove, modify the position / size of the selected layer. If it's a text layer, it can also be edited.
  4. Click the play button to resume the playback and display the actual content of the data feed.

To edit the slide layout within the Edit panel, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Layers" tab to list all the layers composing the slide.
  2. Click on the button (it opens the "Layer Properties" dialog) and edit that layer properties. Click the "OK" button to apply the changes.

See also