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The players have a logging mechanism that records every event that occurs during its functioning. Multiple log files are being written simultaneously, from high-level general logs that record information about the content rendering and network activity, to complex low-level ones generated by the operating system. The general logs are directly accessible to the user for evaluation of performance and troubleshooting, while the system logs are included within the player report (which is asked by SpinetiX Support for diagnosing more advanced player problems).

General logs

The player's general log files can be accessed from the Control Center interface, on the "Logs" page. The size of the log file and the writing date are also provided.

Alternatively, you can:

Logs page

Logs page in Control Center

From the "Logs" page in Control Center, you can access the following:

  • Proof of play
    Under this section, you can find the accounting logs containing the information needed for prof of play / accounting, from current day and the archived logs of the last seven days.
  • Current
    Under this section, you can find the player.log and the uploader.log, in plain text format, corresponding to the current day (or more, if the player was turned off over the night and could not perform the logs maintenance).
  • Backup
    Under this section, you can find the player.log and the uploader.log from the previous 7 days (during normal functioning), compressed to save storage on the unit.
  • Scheduled Upload
    From here, you can instruct the player to daily upload its general logs to a web server.


See Accounting page for more details about this log.
The accounting.log provides a records list of when the media elements (that were marked for accounting) of your project were opened and closed by the HMP. The format of the accounting.log is:
Datetime Event Resource Type Duration


See full article about player.log.

The player.log file includes all the information related to the player rendering engine. It contains, amongst other useful information, details about the player performance counters, including CPU performance and FPS drop of frames. It was introduced in firmware 3.1.0 to group together the information that before was contained in now-deprecated logs (info.log, javascript.log, resources.log, and warn.log).

The entries in the player log look like this:

dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss LEVEL logger - information


This log contains details about operations pertaining to Scheduled Download, Scheduled Upload, Pull Mode, and RPC – for instance, details about the download of projects to the player and upload of logs to a remote server.

Common errors:

  • The following error is characteristic of the server responding to the WebDAV PROPFIND request with an HTML page instead of the actual data.
    File  Line X Column XX 'Opening and ending tag mismatch: META line X and head' (Domain 1 Code 76)
    This could happen because the server is overloaded and returning an HTML page with a warning. Cross-reference the uploader.log file with your server logs to trace what happened.
  • When using a remote ICS file to control the Pull Mode, if that file cannot be retrieved by the player because of the proxy or the remote web server itself, the following error will be present in the log:
    Bad request : 'http://[path_to_ics_file]/[filename.ics]' -> 403: Forbidden
    • In the first case, the proxy is not allowing the ICS type of file to pass, or it doesn't allow calls to the remote server.
    • In the second case, the server might not permit requests from that proxy.
    • To troubleshoot this, try to retrieve that file with a browser using the same proxy configuration and from a PC in the same network as the player. You could also use a network traffic monitoring tool or contact the administrator of the proxy.

Deprecated logs

See full article about deprecated logs.

The following logs were merged into player.log in firmware 3.1.0:

  • info.log
    The info log main purpose is to keep a real-time "heartbeat" record of the player performance. A log entry is added every 10s during the first 5 minutes of playing, and then one entry every minute.
  • javascript.log
    Contains any errors generated by the JavaScript code within the project running on the player.
  • resources.log
    This log contains information about each resource played by the player, along with the date and time when it started. It can also include extra details about the video / audio streams inside the media, redirects, unsupported media etc.
  • warn.log
    This log contains the device's starting events and, whenever possible, the stopping events.

Logs maintenance

  • The player logs are rotated on a regular basis (every 24h) to avoid having very large log files and to keep them well-structured by days.
  • The current day logs are kept as .log file in plain-text format, while the logs from the previous 7 days are kept as archives.
  • The log files older than 7 days are automatically deleted.
  • The logs' maintenance (e.g., rotation and clean-up) is done every day at midnight, therefore it's important to keep the player powered on overnight, otherwise, the information from multiple days will accumulate into the same log file and this can have negative effects on the player performance.
Note Note:
The logs can be manually cleared from the Operations page (respectively Maintenance page on legacy players) – that should only be done when advised by SpinetiX Support.



If this log is present, then your device has rebooted due to a problem with the content. In this case, send a report to SpinetiX Support along with a copy of your content.


If this log is present, then your device has rebooted due to a problem with the content pull. In this case, send a report to SpinetiX Support.

Memory thrashing

The memory thrashing error occurs when the content being played requires more memory than available, usually due to numerous objects (i.e., files) that need to be kept into memory. To solve this, the content needs to be optimized in terms of lowering the number of files opened; a good practice to do this is to start creating content using jSignage / JavaScript, rather than using Elementi (which is easier to use, but are known to increase the number of files opened).

This error is verbosely outputted in both info.log and warn.log files, starting with

date ERROR spx.player           - thrashing detected (...)

followed by multiple lines containing information about malloc, meminfo, memory map sections and ending with:

date FATAL spx.player           - detected memory thrashing, exiting player

System logs

The complex low-level logs, generated by the operating system, are included only within the player report. For diagnosing advanced player problems, please generate and send a player report (and not the individual log files!) to SpinetiX Support for further analysis.

Note Note:
The system logs are kept when the player is reset to factory default settings, but they are removed when reinstalling the firmware in Recovery mode.

See also

This page was last modified on 26 August 2024, at 19:25.