Elementi 2023

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Elementi 2023

Version: "Stecknadelhorn"
Release date: November 18th, 2024

Elementi 2023 is the ninth generation of the Elementi software, introducing the following new features:

  • Added support the new SpinetiX players: iBX410/iBX410W, and iBX440.
  • Added support for close subtitling/captioning (CC) on video files or streaming media - subtitles can now be displayed on the screen in the selected language; supported formats: EIA-708 (Line 21), Teletext, DVB, DVD, Blu-ray, SSA.
  • Added SRT protocol support for streaming sources. This is a Technology Preview Feature.
  • Added support for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC / H.265 / MPEG-H Part 2) streaming sources with SRT, HLS and DASH protocols. This is a Technology Preview Feature.
  • Added support for logging into SpinetiX ARYA™ using Google/Facebook social accounts or SSO, for cloud users set up to use those means of authentication, in addition to the previously supported e-mail and password credentials.
  • Added support for retrieving SharePoint news posts.
  • For iBX440 players only:
    • Added support for importing HDR and 8K videos. HDR videos are tone-mapped on import.
    • Added support for creating multi-output projects.
    • Added support for importing images wider than 8K resolution, provided that the total pixel count does not exceed that of an 8K resolution.
Note Note:
Elementi 2023 is a native 64-bit application and can be installed in parallel to Elementi 2020 or earlier.



Elementi 2023 comes with more than 250 widgets, each offering different parameters that the user can change from the interface, thus allowing for further customization of the widget functionality without having to modify the code behind. These resources are accessible using the "Widgets" tab within the Browse panel and are divided into several collections, as detailed below.

Elementi 2023 X widgets
Elementi 2023 X widgets

To use any resource from the widget library, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new project or open an existing one. The content of the project is shown in the Preview panel.
  2. Click on the "Widgets" tab within the Browse panel.
  3. Navigate inside the collection holding the widget you want to use.
    • The built-in widgets can be opened for viewing directly from the "Widgets" tab, but they cannot be modified.
  4. Drag and drop the widget into the Preview panel or into the Edit panel.
    • The widget is automatically copied into the active project.
  5. Double-click on the widget icon within the Edit panel to access and configure its properties (if any).

The following collections of widgets are included into Elementi 2021 widget library:

Backgrounds Useful for replacing simple solid-color background images within the content.
Cliparts SVG-based clip art images: 8 arrows, 195 country flags, and 12 horoscope signs.
Clocks Analog and digital clock widgets to display the current time of the local / selected time zone.
Dates Display the current date in different calendars, beyond the Gregorian calendar, like Hebrew, Islamic, Japanese, etc.
Counters Display different counter animations measuring the elapsed time from a date / time or remaining time to a date / time.
Sun & Moon Display content related to sun & moon phases.
Text Effects Improve the aspect of text content entered within Elementi interface, with effects like shadow, rotation, blur, glow, etc.
Text Crawlers Display inline text content using different crawling effects.
QR Codes Generate QR codes on the fly.
Flickr Display images provided by Flickr.
Yammer Display data provided by Yammer.
RSS Display data extracted from RSS feeds.
Text Display data extracted from text files.
Spreadsheets Display data extracted from online or local spreadsheet files.
Calendars Display data extracted from online or local calendar files.
Media Display media files retrieved from online or local media folders.
Charts Display charts (column, line, pie, etc.) from CSV spreadsheet data sources.
Gauges Display circular / linear gauges from CSV spreadsheet data sources.
Finance Display financial data, like exchange rate and market data.
Weather Display weather information.
Data Feeds These advanced widgets can be used to display content extracted from data sources based on any type of text-based format. This collection is available only for Elementi X users.
Screen Control Send different commands to the connected screen, like power on/off the screen, set volume level, or select a screen input.
Interactivity Create interactive projects.
Sample Projects Five sample projects using built-in widgets are provided to help the user getting started with content creation.