Advanced applications settings

From SpinetiX Wiki
(Redirected from Advanced Applications)
Applies to all DSOS players except DiVA with Feature Set.


The "Advanced Applications" page of HMP Control Center contains the following sections:

  • Interactivity
  • Touchscreen
  • Network API
  • API Security (replacing Webstorage API and RPC Security)
  • Multiscreen
  • NTP (moved to Network -> NTP)
  • Streaming (moved to Network -> Logging)
  • Firmware
  • RPC Concentrator
  • Pull Mode
  • Output Streaming
  • WebRTC


Interactivity settings

This section allows configuring the following:

  • Maximum rendering latency
    Select the HMP rendering latency value. Default: 1000ms.
  • Accept touchscreen and keyboard events
    Enable / disable interactive event processing. Default: disabled.
  • Limits latency to 60ms when events are received
    Enable / disable interactivity boost. Default: enabled.


Touchscreen calibration settings

Many touchscreens (or other input devices reporting absolute coordinates) are usually already calibrated and require no further configuration to be used. If you notice that the touchscreen is not working properly or it's not very accurate, then you should run the touchscreen calibration procedure:

  1. Connect the HID-compliant touchscreen device to the HMP via the USB port.
  2. Open HMP Control Center > Advanced Applications > Touchscreen.
  3. Ensure that the "Accept touchscreen and keyboard events" option above is checked, otherwise enable this option and restart the HMP.
  4. Press the "Start Calibration" button and follow the instructions displayed on the touchscreen.
  5. Note the calibration offset values displayed on the touchscreen and enter them manually into the XX, XY, TX, YX, YY, and TY input fields within the "Touchscreen" section.
  6. Press the "Apply" button.

See also MultiTouch support section.

Network API

Does not apply to HMP300 and requires a SYSTEMS Feature Set.

This section allows configuring the usage of the Shared Variables Network API. Starting with firmware 4.3.0, a secure Network API based on RFC8323 (CoAP REST API over TLS-PSK) is available.

Network API settings

For firmware 4.3.0 or later, the following options are present:

  • Enable secure server
    Click to toggle whether the secure Shared Variables' server is enabled.
  • Enable legacy unprotected server
    Click to toggle whether the legacy and unprotected Shared Variables' server is enabled.
  • Port
    Configure the port used by the Network API. Default "1234".
  • Generate Client Config
    This button appears once the "Enable secure server" option has been checked.
    Click to start a wizard that will generate a file to configure clients of this Network API secure server. It will automatically configure the credentials, the default Network API server address and optionally set this player as the timeserver. You will need to save the generated configuration file and upload it to all players connecting to this "master" player.
  • Upload Client Config
    Click to upload a Network API client configuration generated from a "master" player.
  • Default network API server address
    Enter a Network API server address to be used whenever a Shared Variable doesn't specify one using the @ notation.

Network API settings

For firmware below 4.3.0, the following options are present:

  • Network API
    Enable / disable Network API server.
  • Port
    Configure the port used by the Network API. Default "1234".

APIs Security

Does not apply to HMP300 and requires a SYSTEMS Feature Set. Added in firmware 4.6.3.
APIs Security settings

From this section, you can configure the following options:

  • Enable CORS requests
    Toggle allowing requests originating from another host to the player's API endpoints (rpc, webstorage) with an API key. This option is deactivated by default.
  • API Key
    The key (automatically generated) to be used for CORS requests, thus protecting against CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) attacks. The API key must be provided with each call as an additional query string parameter, like this: /rpc?spx-api-key={rpcApiKey}.
    If you want to change it, enter a new key and click the "Apply" button.
  • Enable security token access to the Webstorage API
    Toggle authenticating requests on the Web Storage REST API endpoint with a security token, instead of user credentials. This option is deactivated by default.
  • Security Token
    The token (automatically generated) to be be provided with each call through a "Bearer Authorization" header or as an "access_token" query string parameter (like this: /webstorage?access_token={securityToken}).
    If you want to change it, enter a new token and click the "Apply" button.
Note Notes:


Multiscreen settings
Does not apply to HMP300 and requires a SYSTEMS Feature Set.

This section allows configuring the multiscreen ID of the player, which is useful when the HMP is part of a video wall displaying a multiscreen project.


Requires a WIDGETS Feature Set (or higher).
Firmware update settings

This section allows configuring the following:

  • Server URI
    Enter the address of a custom update server.
  • Automatic updates
    Enable / disable automatic update of the firmware from the server
  • Update time
    Time of the automatic update, if enabled. A variable delay is added to prevent multiple requests at the exact same time.

To revert to the default SpinetiX update server address, follow these steps:

  1. Open Operations > Reset
  2. Select the "Firmware updates server" checkbox.
  3. Click the "Clear Selected" button.

RPC Concentrator

Requires a WIDGETS Feature Set (or higher).
RPC Concentrator settings

This section allows configuring the following:

  • Enable RPC concentrator
    Enable / disable the RPC Concentrator.
  • Concentrator uri
    Address of the RPC concentrator.
  • Polling interval
    Frequency at which the RPC concentrator is contacted. Typical values are between 10s and 120s.
  • Notification only
    Check this to ignore any commands sent by the RPC concentrator to the HMP - the RPC Concentrator will only receive ready, restarted and pull_status notifications.

Pull Mode

Requires a WIDGETS Feature Set (or higher).
Pull Mode using local ics file
Pull Mode using remote ics file

This section allows configuring the following:

  • Settings
    Enable / disable the Pull mode.
  • From uploaded iCalendar file (ics)
    Use this option to control the Pull Mode using an ics file that you have uploaded onto the HMP.
  • From remote iCalendar file (ics)
    Use this option to control the Pull Mode using an ics file that you have uploaded onto a web server.
    Use the option labeled "Check calendar every" to specify the maximum duration after which the HMP must contact the server to find out if the calendar has been updated in the meantime. Note that if the current calendar contains an event during this interval, the HMP automatically checks for updates before executing that event (and restarts the timer).
    The "Schedule URI" field can contain the special notation "[serial]", which is automatically replaced by the HMP serial number - this is useful for cases when the remote calendar is actually generated by a script and is different depending on the HMP requesting it.

Output Streaming

Does not apply to HMP300 and HMP350. Requires a SYSTEMS Feature Set.

From this section, you can enable/disable streaming the player video output over the local network (IPTV, RTSP/RTP) or toward live-streaming servers (RTMP). Depending on the selected streaming protocol, the following options are shown:

Output Streaming settings → IPTV
Output Streaming settings → IPTV
  • Resolution
    Select the stream output resolution, between 1920x1080 and 960x540.
  • Frame Rate
    Select the frame rate between 60 or 30, respectively 50 or 25, depending on the display settings of the player.
  • Quality
    Select from Best, Default, Good.
  • Audio Codec
    Select from MP2, AC3, AAC.
  • Use RTP Headers
    Select this option to enable the RTP headers.
  • Destination IP
    Enter the destination IP of the stream - either the receiver's static IP address (unicast streaming) or an IP address within the multicast range (i.e., through 239.255. 255.255).
  • Port
    Enter the port number, which should be above 1024 because those below 1024 are privileged ports reserved for IANA registered protocols. It's typical for streaming to use a port in the range of 5000. Also, the port number must be even when using RTP, as the odd ports are for RTCP, so pick 5000, 5002, etc.
Output Streaming settings → RTSP
Output Streaming settings → RTSP
  • Resolution, Frame Rate, Quality
    Same as above.
  • Enable Multicast
    Select this option to enable multicast streaming.
  • Multicast Group
    Enter an IP address within the multicast range (i.e., through 239.255. 255.255).
  • Server URL (read-only)
    Use this URL on the stream receiver.
Note Notes:
  • RTSP basic authentication is supported, but the RTSP server is not over TLS.
  • Multicast support is still deemed experimental.
Output Streaming settings → RTMP (YouTube)
Output Streaming settings → RTMP (YouTube)
Output Streaming settings → RTMP (Microsoft Stream)
Output Streaming settings → RTMP (Microsoft Stream)
  • Resolution, Frame Rate, Quality
    Same as above.
  • Destination URL
    Enter the URL provided by the stream server; a stream key might need to be added as well (see the notes below) .
Note Notes:
  • YouTube Studio provides a unique stream key that must be added after the stream URL (e.g., rtmp://
  • Microsoft Stream doesn't provide a stream key, yet one (it can be any non-empty string like "MicrosoftStream") must be added after the stream URL (e.g., rtmps://
  • Both YouTube and Microsoft Stream require an audio track to be present in the input stream, so make sure the audio is activated on the player side. Other platforms might require this, as well.
Output Streaming settings →Custom
Output Streaming settings →Custom
  • Configuration
    Click the "Select File" button to upload an XML file describing the output streaming configuration; some sample configuration files can be found inside the archive below.
  • Get Current Config
    Click this button to retrieve the current configuration file (streaming.xml).
Version: 2 (revision history)
Sample XML configuration files.


WebRTC settings
Does not apply to HMP300 and HMP350. Requires a SYSTEMS Feature Set.

From this section, you can enable or disable the WebRTC audio precessing (echo cancellation) in the HTML engine. This software feature is disabled by default.

See also