HTTP headers

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HTTP headers let the client and the server pass additional information with an HTTP request or response. An HTTP header consists of its case-insensitive name followed by a colon (:), then by its value.

Headers can be grouped according to their contexts:

  • Request headers contain more information about the resource to be fetched, or about the client requesting the resource.
  • Response headers hold additional information about the response, like its location or about the server providing it.

HTTP response headers

When the HMP is responding to an HTTP request (either on port 80 or 81), the following custom HTTP headers are added:

  • X-spinetix-firmware
    Contains the firmware version of the player.
  • X-spinetix-hw
    Contains the hardware type of the player:
    • fukiran for HMP400
    • fukiran-w for HMP400W
    • ikebana-x for HMP350
    • ikebana-m for HMP300
    • ikebana-s for DiVA
    • Sakura for HMP200
    • Bonsai for HMP130 and HMP100
  • X-spinetix-serial
    Contains the serial number of the device. For HMP400 models, the short serial number is used.
  • X-raperca-version
    Contains the player rendering engine version, which is usually the same as the firmware version.


 X-raperca-version: 4.7.4-0
 X-spinetix-firmware: 4.7.4-2.0.0-6bfffad2
 X-spinetix-hw: fukiran-w
 X-spinetix-serial: X3L626S8

HTTP request headers

When the HMP is doing an HTTP request (e.g., GET, HEAD, PROPFIND, PUT, POST) to a web server, the following custom headers are added:

  • X-spinetix-serial
    For Elementi requests, this is set to [not defined].
  • X-raperca-version
  • X-spinetix-firmware (starting with DSOS 4.7.1)

Their values are detailed above.

This page was last modified on 30 August 2022, at 17:43.