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This page is related to Cockpit.


The "Viewers" feature can be used to give access to other users to some of your players. There are some advantages about this:

  • Players can be shared between different users, each having access to different social channels, without the need to move those players from one account to another.
  • It allows moving all the players from one account to another, without losing the monitoring licenses associated with those players.
  • Dealers can manage players of their customers (as a service), while letting them view their respective players.

Note Notes:
  • Viewers are slightly limited Cockpit accounts, in the sense that any new added player is automatically transferred to the parent account. Also, the viewer doesn't have access to "Monitoring Licenses", "Events", or "User Access" features.
  • The viewer can see the players on the map and the players list. If a premium monitoring license is active, the viewer can access the player dashboard as well.

Viewers page

Viewers management page

The "Viewers" page allows creating and deleting viewers, and shows the list of associated viewers.

  • To edit the viewer access to your players or its profile details, click on the viewer name.
  • To send it an email from your email editor, click on its email address.
  • To see the viewer's list of players, click on the number under the "Accessible players" column.
  • To delete a viewer, select the checkbox on its row, then click the "Delete" button on the top-right side of the page.
    Note Warning: Deleting a viewer completely removes that account from Cockpit!
Note Note:
The "Viewers" page appears under the top-right corner user-menu, when you have at least one viewer - before that, you need to access it using this link: where ID must be replaced with your user's ID (for that, click on your profile link in the user menu and find the number in the address bar).

Create a viewer

A viewer can be created in two ways, depending on whether the respective person has a Cockpit account:

  • If not, then create a new Cockpit account that will be directly linked as your viewer.
  • If yes, then pair with the existing user account using a pin number.

Create a new viewer account

New viewer

If the person doesn't have a Cockpit account, you can create a new Cockpit account that will be directly linked as your viewer. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Viewers page (accessible using the top right user menu).
  2. Click the "New" button on the top-right side.
  3. Enter the details of the new user. Only the email and the password are mandatory, the user can add the rest of information later.
  4. Click the "Create" button.

At this point, an email is set to the new user with further instructions. The new user must agree with our terms and conditions before being able to log into Cockpit.

Pair with an existing user account

If the person has already a Cockpit account, you can pair with the existing user account using a pin number.

Pairing with an existing account is done like this:

  1. Your future viewer generates a pairing code by opening the "Pair with a dealer" link under its account menu.
  2. Your enter its email and the pairing code, then click the "pair" button.

Note Warning:
* Pairing with an existing user account will transform that account into your viewer and all its players are automatically transferred to your account.
  • This operation is irreversible - deleting the viewer will completely remove that account from Cockpit and not restoring it to the previous state!

Player access

Setup player access

The viewer can only see the player dashboard. You can give access to your viewers to some of your players in two ways.

From the "Viewers" page:

  1. Go to the Viewers page (accessible using the top right user menu).
  2. Click on the Viewer to which you want to give access to some players.
  3. Using the Player Access table, select player that you want the viewer to be able to see.
  4. Click on Update.
Setup user access

From the player page:

  1. Go to the map or player summary page.
  2. Select a player.
  3. Click the "User Access" link (left menu).
  4. Using the Access Grant table, select the Viewer allowed to access this player.
    Note that the Dealer user is present in the table and cannot be removed.
  5. Click "Update" to save your changes.
This page was last modified on 27 February 2023, at 16:22.