Publish from HMD
This page is related to Hyper Media Director.
Publishing content from HMD refers to an optimized process of copying a project to one or more HMP devices. The target can also be a USB storage device or a Shared projects (i.e. web server).
Manual publish
- Open My Devices in a first tab. Identify the HMP on which you want to publish.
- Open My Projects in a second tab.
- Drag and drop the project you want to copy to the device you want to update.
- Hovering over the My Devices tab while the mouse button is held down will cause the tab to be opened.
Quick publish
- Once a project has been published manually to device, it can be published again using the quick publish button
The publish process consists of the following steps:
- Compare the content from the project with the one present on the target location.
- Remove from the target location all the files that are no longer present in the project being published.
- Copy the new and / or modified files to the target location. Unmodified files will be skipped!
- The Etag and/or Last-Modified HTTP directives are used to determine if a file was modified or not - see Caching page for more details.

- The publish process is described in detail in the "Publish" section of the HMD User Manual.
- When using the publish process, a dialog is opened to indicate the progress of the operation.
- Only a single project can exists on the HMP at any given time, therefore it is not possible to publish more than one project in the same time.
- Publishing to an HMP is recommended over uploading the content directly to the HMP because when a slightly modified project is (re)published, only the differences will actually be copied to target location, thus saving both time and bandwidth.
- The publish is done via the WebDAV protocol using port 81.
Publishing on multiple devices
It is possible to publish the same Project to a group of devices in a single operation. This can be used for Synchronized content for instance.
- Go to "My devices" in your "Workspace"
- Create a "New collection"
- Find the HMPs where you want to publish your project to, and move them into the newly created folder
- Drag and drop the project onto the collection of devices
- A dialogue will open indicating the status of the publish on all devices
If you have HMD Professional, you can create a shared project to manage the content from the WebDAV server directly from HMD. You can then publish any local Project directly on the WebDAV server using HMD.
Here is an example to create a shared project using MyDrive server:
- Open HMD and go to My Devices.
- Using the right-click menu, select New Shared Project and enter:
- Host name:;
- Path to folder : MyProjectName;
- Type: Shared Project;
- User name and Password.
- Once you press OK, you may see a warning "Invalid collection type". This means that the folder was not created by HMD. You can safely answer yes to the question.
- To publish your project onto the WebDAV server
- Drag and drop the project onto the shared project.
Publish using a different port
The port used for publishing is 81 and this cannot be changed on the HMP side. If this port is not allowed for direct access, then you need to use port forwarding (for instance port 5555 forwarded to 81) in your internal network. In this case, publishing from HMD will also be affected (the HMP devices are probably not going to be discovered by HMD), so to be able to publish to an HMP in these conditions, follow the steps detailed below.
- Open "My Devices" and manually add the device to HMD.
- Double-click the device icon and update the properties manually in the right-hand panel (WebDAV tab) accordingly to the forwarded ports:
is the publish address. Add the port number to the end of the hostname using a standard colon (:).spx:manage-href
for the "HMP Control Center" ( "Manage" in HMD ) context-menu link.spx:snapshot-href
is for the snapshot feature in HMD.
- Save and test that you can publish to the player.
- If the HMP is discovered automatically and appears under "My Devices" in HMD, but you cannot publish onto it, this is usually due to one of following problems:
- Port-related: To publish from HMD, port 81 must be open for outbound communication on your PC and no firewall or router should be blocking port 81 on the HMP;
- IP-related: Your HMP may have a static address which is outside the routing address space on your network. Open HMP Control Center using the player address and set the IP to dynamic or to a static address that you can reach.
- Anti-virus software: If you are using an anti-virus software, make sure to configure it to fully allow all HMD operations, for instance by adding HMD on the exclusion list.
- Windows 10 update: Details below.
- Device discovery is not essential for publishing but if it's not working properly, check the player's network settings first, as this could also solve your problems with publishing.
- Many publishing problems can be resolved by correcting your Proxy settings.
- Interrupting a publishing event might have unpredictable results - republish the project if that happens.
- If the screen remains blank or black with a blinking rectangle after publishing, then check that the index.svg file is spelled correctly and all in lower-case.
- Dragging and dropping onto a device does not trigger the publish. This is because you are dropping a collection (folder), not a project. Make sure that the content you are dropping is a project by right-clicking on it and selecting Set Type > HMPxxx project.
- Publishing is not permitted when Fusion interface is enabled on the HMP - to be able to publish to the device, you must disable Fusion mode.
- Error message: "Removal of resource files/ failed: Bad request : Command: WebDAV [...]" or any "Removal of resource [...] 403" error - you have Fusion mode enabled on the device. Disable Fusion before publishing.
- Error message: "[...] XML parse error at line [...]" - the firmware on the device is corrupted. Follow the instructions under Firmware to reinstall via the Recovery console.
- Error message: "This version of Hyper Media Director can only manage local resources. You must upgrade to the PRO version in order to enable publication on shared project" - you are trying to publish to a shared project or WebDAV server from HMD Lite. If you are publishing on an HMP device, the the firmware on that device is not recognized by your current version of HMD and you need to update it.