JSignage:JQuery port to the uDom

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The jSignage library includes a port of the popular jQuery, thus making jSignage compatible with HTML5 browsers, as well as embedded and mobile SVG players. jQuery is a JavaScript library used for HTML documents and because not everything that works for HTML also apply to SVG, only some parts of it were adapted and ported on the SVG Tiny 1.2 uDOM within jSignage, more specifically those parts referring to:

  • DOM manipulation
  • Interactive events
  • AJAX

At the time of writing, jQuery v1.5.1 and v1.11.0 libraries were used as base for the port to uDOM. Some of the differences between jSignage and jQuery are listed below; the list is not exhaustive and things might be missing.

DOM manipulation

The basic programming pattern in jSignage is the same as in jQuery:

  1. Select some elements from the SVG document and wrap them in a jSignage object
  2. Call jSignage methods on this object to apply some changes to the elements you just selected.

Most of the time, only one element is selected.

Example 1: Select the element whose xml id is 'swan' using the jSignage constructor with a filter expression, then change its fill paint attribute to black:

var swan = jSignage('#swan');
swan.attr( 'fill', 'black' );

Example 2: This can be rewritten using '$' sign in place of 'jSignage' which is defined as a handy shortcut:

var swan = $('#swan');
swan.attr( 'fill', 'black' );

Example 3: This example can be made more compact by using the $ object directly without first assigning it to a variable:

$('#swan').attr( 'fill', 'black' );


The different types of selectors supported are:

  1. $('svg') selects the top level svg element in the SVG document.
  2. $('#id') is used to select an element by its id in the SVG document.
  3. $('name') is used to select all elements with the given name in the SVG documents.
  4. $('#id', context) is used to select an element by its id in the context subtree (which is equivalent to $(context).find('#id'); ).
  5. $('name', context) selects all elements with the given name inside a subtree.
  6. $('<...>') creates a wrapper for a fragment given by its svg code in a string.


To hide all the images in the document:

$('image').attr( 'display', 'none' );

To create a rectangle element, set some attributes for it and append it to the document:

var r = $('<rect/>');
r.attr( { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, fill: '#ffbbbb' } );

Note that the $.createElement() would be the preferred way do this as it combines both operations:

var r = $.createElement( 'rect', { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, fill: '#ffbbbb' } );

Accessing raw XML elements

Content generation is typically done at the layer level using layer methods and constructors. To work with raw XML data, the jSignage library provides the following raw XML editing methods:

  • .attr(attributeName)
    Returns the value of an attribute on the first selected element. If the element does not have an attribute with such name, undefined is returned.
    $('#radius').text( "Current radius: " + $('#circle').attr( 'r' ) );
  • .attr(attributeName, value)
    Set the value of an attribute on every selected element.
    $('#circle').attr( 'r', 50 );
  • .attr({ ... })
    Set the values of multiple attributes given by a map with key/value pairs on every selected element.
    $('#ellipse').attr( { rx: 10, ry: 20 } );
  • .text()
    Returns the combined (unformatted) text content of the selected elements.
    alert( 'Title: ' + $('#title').text() );
  • .text(val)
    Sets the text content of every selected element, erasing any other text content and child elements. If the target element is a <text> or a <textArea>, it is possible to use text with formatting, created by $.tspan() or $.tbreak().
    $('#title').text( "Breaking News" );

Note Note: The attribute names must be provided as lowercase since they are case-sensitive.

Traversing the tree

$('#id') is the preferred way to locate an element in the SVG tree as it is the quickest. Use the following methods to work over the children of an element and to navigate the XML tree.

  • .children()
  • Get the children of the selected element(s).
  • .each( function(index) )
    Iterate over the selected elements executing a funtion of each one. The keyword this inside the function refers to the element.
  • .next()
    Get the next sibling of each selected element.
  • .parent()
    Get the parent of each selected element.
  • .prev()
    Get the immediately preceding sibling of each selected element.

For example, this will display the text of each child elements in a table with the row number.

$('#table').children().each( function(index) {
     alert( index + ':' + $(this).text() );
} );

Working with fragments

  • .append(content)
    Add content as a new child element after all exisiting children. If content is a layer, it will be displayed on top of the other layers.
  • .after(content)
    Insert content after each selected element. Content is inserted at the same level, whereas append insert content as a child.
  • .appendTo(selector)
    Add elements to targets matching the selector.
  • .before(content)
    Insert content before each selected element.
  • .clone()
    Returns a deep copy of the selection.
  • $.createElement(name, { ... })
    Creates an element with the specified attributes. Returns a jSignage object.
    var r = $.createElement( 'rect', { x: 0, y: 0, width: 1280, height: 720, fill: '#ffbbbb' } );
  • .insertAfter(selector)
    Insert elements after each target matching the selector.
  • .insertBefore(selector)
    Insert elements before each target matching the selector.
  • .remove()
    Remove the selected elements.
  • .replaceWith(content)
    Replace every selected element with the same content.
  • .prepend(content)
    Add content as a new child before all existing children. If content is a layer, it will be displayed below the other layers.
  • .prependTo(selector)
    Add elements to targets matching the selector.
  • .wrap(svg)
    Wrap elements inside a new element.

Interactive events

See full article on how to create interactive content with jSignage.

The jSignage library provides both high-level interactive layers (multi-page, carousel, pop-up, etc.) and low-level interactive event functions (click, keydown, textInput, etc.) to make it easy to build interactive applications in SVG.


The following Ajax methods are implemented in jSignage:

  • $.ajax( url, [settings] )
    Low-level interface with full control over HTTP operations. Note that only the GET and POST HTTP methods are supported by the SVG Tiny 1.2 µDOM.
  • $.get( url, [data], success( data,textStatus ), [dataType] )
    Load data from the server using an HTTP GET request.
  • $.getJSON( url,[data], success( data, textStatus ) )
    Load JSON-encoded data from the server using an HTTP GET request.
  • $.getAndParseFeed( dataSourceObject, callback, useGetURL )
    Load data from the server using an HTTP GET request and then parse the feed data.
  • $.post( url, [data], success( data, textStatus ), [dataType] )
    Load data from the server using an HTTP POST request.
  • $.setGetURLFlags( flags )
    Sets the global caching flags used for the HTTP GET request. The flags are detailed under the getURL() function.
Note Note:
Learn about Ajax or see jQuery documentation for reference about these methods.
Note Warning:
When using AJAX methods in browsers, the security settings may prevent data from being loaded if it does not comes from the same server as the file being displayed. There are no issues on the HMP devices or Elementi, but for cross-browser / player compatibility, JSONP extension can be used to overcome the cross-domain restrictions imposed by browsers' same-origin policy.


Request an RSS feed

Request an RSS feed and parse it using parseRSS:

   function( data ) {
     var news = $.parseRSS( data );

Notice that you must use set the dataType parameter to 'text' in order to prevent the feed from being parsed to XML as a result of auto-detection.

Query a database

Query a database via a PHP script located on the server and returning the data as JSON:

   { table: 'prices', type: 'coffee', subtype: 'latte' },
   function( response ) {
     $('#price').clearText().tspan( response.price );
Update a Shared Variable via RPC

To set / update a Shared Variable via RPC, an AJAX POST call to http://HMP_address/rpc/can be used:

$.ajax( { 
  type: "POST", url: "http://HMP_address/rpc", contentType: 'application/json',
  data: JSON.stringify( {
    method: "webstorage_set", params: [[ { name: "var1", value: "Hello" } ]], id: 1
  } )

Differences from jQuery

Equivalent methods

  • The equivalent of the jQuery add() function is the jSignage merge() function, because the jSignage add() function is used to add a sub-layer to the selected jSignage layer.
  • The equivalent of the jQuery end() function is the jSignage pop() function, because the jSignage end() function is used to end a jSignage layer.

Not supported methods

This list is not exhaustive.
This page was last modified on 4 March 2021, at 21:08.