This page describes jSignage utility methods for parsing text content.
The purpose of the jSignage parsers is to transform a plain text response of a AJAX call (get / post) into a structured representation that can be easily used afterwards by other jSignage / JavaScript functions.
There are several parsers available in jSignage for common text formats, for everything else you can use the JavaScript built-in regular expressions engine.
XML parser
- String containing the XML code.
Returns a document DOM object or null
if the text is not valid XML. The top level element is the .documentElement
property of the returned object.
var doc = $.parseXML( '<top><child/></top>' );
alert( 'top level is: ' + doc.documentElement.localName );
alert( 'first child is: ' + doc.documentElement.firstElementChild.localName );
JSON parser
JSON is a very efficient and convenient format for getting data from web server scripts (e.g., a PHP script front-end to a database).
- Text string containing an object encoded in JavaScript Object Notation.
Returns a JavaScript object / array corresponding to the JSON text.

- Passing a malformed JSON string does not throw a JavaScript exception, as is the case in jQuery.
- If the dataType is not explicitly specified as 'text' when calling the
methods and the mime type returned by the server indicates a JSON object, the result is automatically parsed into a JavaScript object, so there's no need to call$.parseJSON()
in this case.
var item = $.parseJSON('{ "label": "ultimate gadget", "price": 19.99 }');
alert( 'label: '+item.label );
alert( 'price: '+item.price );
RSS feed parser
$.parseRSS(text[, baseURI, channel, multilineTitle])
- Unparsed RSS feed content.
- Base URI to use in case the feed contains relative links. By default the links stay relative.
- Identifier that selects only one channel in the feed. Must be equal to the
value in the channel. By default all items for all channels are returned.
- Identifier that selects only one channel in the feed. Must be equal to the
- Allow the titles to contain more than one line. By default only the first line is returned.
Returns a JavaScript array of objects, where each object has the following properties:
- Cleaned up content of the
- Cleaned up content of the
- Cleaned up content of the
- Cleaned up content of the
- value of the
attribute of the first<enclosure>
element if there is one or of thesrc
attribute of the first<img>
element inside the description.
- value of the
- content of the
element as a Date object.
- content of the
- Value of the
element that identifies the channel.
- Value of the
- Value of the
element for the channel.
- Value of the
- Value of the
element for the channel.
- Value of the
- Value of the
element for the channel.
- Value of the
Note that the clean up process for the title
and description
attributes includes stripping all HTML tags and converting any HTML entity into the corresponding Unicode character, so that the strings are plain text.
iCalendar parser
$.parseICAL(text, start, end[, maxItems, format])
- Content of an iCalendar file as a string.
- JavaScript
object or number of ms since Jan 1st, 1970 UTC.
- JavaScript
- JavaScript
object or number of ms since Jan 1st, 1970 UTC.
- JavaScript
- Maximum number of items to return. Default: 100.
- Optional formatting string for returning dates as strings using the UNIX strftime syntax. Default: dates are returned as Date objects.
Returns a JavaScript array of objects, where each object has the following properties:
- Event summary
- Event description
- Start date a Date object or a string according to format argument.
- End date as a Date object or a string according to format argument.
- URL associated with the event.
- Event location
The number of returned objects is equal to the number of occurrences of events starting during the selected period, including occurrences due to recurring events. The array is sorted by start date.
See also the JSignage:Examples page.
Soft Scheduling (1)
// This sample will read an ICS file and find the event that is currently valid.
// The media associated with this event will play forever.
$.get( 'calendar.ics',
function( data ) {
var now = new Date();
// get one item valid now.
var schedule = $.parseICAL( data, now.getTime(), now.getTime()+1, 1 );
if ( schedule.length>0 ) {
// one valid event found, display the media in full screen
// Play the media forever
$.media( { href: schedule[0].enclosure, repeatCount: 'indefinite' } ).addTo('svg');
} else {
// no event found, we display a warning.
$.headlineTextArea( {scaleMethod: 'uniform'} ).text('No event found').addTo('svg');
}, 'text'
Soft scheduling (2)
// This sample will read an ICS file and find the event that is currently valid.
// The media associated with this event will play once and then the document will be stopped.
$.get( 'calendar.ics',
function( data ) {
var now = new Date();
// get one item valid now.
var schedule = $.parseICAL( data, now.getTime(), now.getTime()+1, 1 );
if ( schedule.length > 0 ) {
// one valid event found, display the media in full screen
// play the media once, and then end the current document
$.media( {href: schedule[0].enclosure } ).endEvent( function() {
$('svg').attr('dur', $('svg')[0].getCurrentTime() ); // set the duration of the document to the current time.
} else {
// no event found, we end the document
$('svg').attr('dur', $('svg')[0].getCurrentTime() + 0.01 ); // to avoid a duration of 0s, which is not valid
}, 'text'
CSV parser
$.parseCSV(text[, separator, columns, keepNSWSP, keepQuotes])
- Text string containing a Comma Separated Values file.
- Character used to separate the records in a row. Default:
- Character used to separate the records in a row. Default:
- Optional array of column names.
- CSV files usually specify the column names on the first row.
- The default behavior is to extract the column names from the top row and discard the top row.
- When
is specified, it is assumed the top row contains data instead. It should be discarded by the caller if this is not the case, such as when used for overriding the column names.
- When true, the leading and trailing whitespace characters of an unquoted column (which are normally discarded), are returned.
- Default:
- When true, double quotes are not processed as special characters.
- Default:
Returns an array of JavaScript objects, where each object corresponds to a row of data.
Multi-line text parser
$.parseTXT( text )
returns an array of JavaScript strings.
- String containing usually multiple lines of text.
Returns an array containing each line of text.
Regular expressions
JavaScript includes a powerful regular expressions engine via the RegExp
class, which can be used for simple text formats using the RegExp.exec()
or String.split()
methods on the returned content.
result = regexp.exec(str)
- Executes a search for a match in a specified string. Returns a result array or null.
- For more details, see the RegExp.exec page.
Assuming that a server script returns a simple data format with each line of text containing a key and a value (enclosed in quotes) separated by the equal sign, for instance:
name = "Double Espresso"
price = "2.99"
description = "This packs enough power to wake up an elephant!"
the typical code for requesting and parsing this type of content into a JavaScript object (i.e. key / value pairs) is the following:
$.get( 'queryDB.php', function( content ) {
var re = /(\w+)\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"/g;
var match;
var item = new Object;
while ( (match = re.exec( content )) != null ) {
item[ match[1] ] = match[2];
The data can now be accessed conveniently as properties of the object like item.name
and item.price
string.split([separator][, limit])
- Splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.
- For more details, see the String.split page.
The code to create a scrolling ticker for which the content is loaded from a text file, would be the following:
$.get( 'ticker_of_the_day.txt', function( content ) {
data: content.split( /\n+/ ),
repeatCount: 'indefinite',
top: '80%',
height: '15%'
See also
- jSignage utilities methods
- jSignage timer methods
method for listing the content of directories on a web server via WebDAV.