Elementi 30-day free trial

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Try before you buy

Free trial.png

Elementi software can be evaluated as a free trial for 30 days, so you could consciously decide if you want to purchase an Elementi license (S, M, or X) once the trial has ended. During the trial period, all the features of Elementi S are fully available for you, without any content watermarking.

This is a time-limited evaluation can be done only one time on any given PC, regardless of the Elementi version used. The trial cannot be extended beyond 30 days. The free Elementi trial license can be requested from your Cockpit account - one license is given per account, as long as no other Elementi license is registered under that account.

To keep using Elementi on that computer after the trial period, you need to activate a commercial Elementi license.

Getting started

License dialog
  1. Sign up for a Cockpit account, if you don't have your account.
  2. Download Elementi.
  3. Execute the installer application on your PC.
  4. Follow the installer wizard to complete the installation of the Elementi software on your computer.
  5. Open Elementi application.
  6. The "License" dialog appears automatically.

Get trial license

Get Trial License
Elementi trial license

If you already have a trial license, proceed to the next section, otherwise follow these steps:

  1. Select "Claim your 30-day free trial license key" option.
  2. Click the "OK" button. Elementi is closed and you are being redirected to Cockpit.
  3. If necessary, log into your Cockpit account - if you don't have an account, sign up for one.
  4. Click the "Get Trial License" button at the top of the "ELEMENTI Licenses" page.
  5. A trial license is automatically generated into your account.
  6. Click on the license key link to view the license details.
  7. Reopen Elementi.

Activate trial license

Elementi trial activation

To activate your 30-day Elementi trial license, follow these steps:

  1. Select "Enter your Elementi license key" option within the "License" dialog.
  2. Enter your trial license key (starts with TRIAL).
  3. Click "OK" to activate your free trial.

After the application restarts, the License dialog will show "Continue free trial - ** days left". At any time, you can activate a commercial Elementi license (S, M, or X) in order to use the software permanently.


  • Free product trials are subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user license agreement that accompanies the software. The support offered to users of a trial version is limited.
  • The 30-day Elementi free trial can only be used one time on any given computer, regardless of which Elementi version was used for evaluation.
  • Prior to Elementi 2018, a Cockpit account was not required, however the data-driven widgets using social channels couldn't be used with the free trial.
  • Existing licenses without a valid Update Plan cannot be used to test the latest version.
This page was last modified on 26 March 2019, at 09:45.