Weather widgets for Elementi 3.x

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This page is about the weather widgets designed for Elementi 3.x.
For other Elementi versions, see Weather widgets and Weather widgets for Elementi 2015 pages.


Weather widgets are designed to display weather information coming from the Open Weather Map service (which provides free weather data and forecast API).

Note Notes:
  • These widgets require firmware 3.x or later to be present on the HMP.
  • Any widget version below 2.6 should not be used.
  • After downloading the widget(s), you must add your unique API key to be able to retrieve data from the OpenWeather provider.
  • The weather icons are loaded from the SpinetiX server by default (there are no icons included in any of these archives). Alternatively, you can download the weather icon set, put the icons inside your project and change the icons source path inside the JS file (e.g., var icon_src = "/icons/").

Add API Key

To use the 2.6 version of the weather widgets, the following must be done:

  1. Go to and sign up to get unique API key on your account page .
  2. Open Scripts/openweather.js file in a text editor.
  3. Find the string apiid: null // API ID .
  4. Replace it by apiid: "your_api_key" .
  5. Save the changes.


Weather widgets pack

The complete archive containing all five weather widgets (Weather_1.svg, ... , Weather_5.svg) and a JavaScript file (openweather.js - included by each widget).

Alternatively, each of these weather widgets can be downloaded as self-contained widget archive (see details below) in case you want to keep them separately (for instance, to have different settings per widget).

Weather forecast - single item

Weather_single.7z (Weather_1)
Version: 2.6 (2017-08-01)
  • Displays weather information for one or more locations.

Horizontal weather forecast for multiple days

Weather_days_h.7z (Weather_2)
Version: 2.6 (2017-08-01)
  • Displays weather information (forecast multiple days) for one or more locations using a horizontal layout.

Vertical weather forecast for multiple days

Weather_days_v.7z (Weather_3)
Version: 2.6 (2017-08-01)
  • Displays weather information (forecast for multiple days) for one or more locations using a vertical layout.

Horizontal weather forecast for multiple cities

Version: 2.6 (2017-08-01)
  • Displays weather information (current condition or the forecast for today or tomorrow) for three or more locations using a horizontal layout.

Vertical weather forecast for multiple cities

Version: 2.6 (2017-08-01)
  • Displays weather information (current condition or the forecast for today or tomorrow) for three or more locations using a vertical layout.


  • Location(s)
    Enter one or more locations separated by ';'. It is recommended to add the country 2-letter code after the the location name (e.g., Lausanne CH).
  • Temperature
    Choose between 'Centigrade' and 'Fahrenheit'. Default: 'Centigrade'.
  • Duration of each item (in sec)
    Enter a duration representing the number of seconds for which each item is displayed on the screen, in case multiple locations are entered above. Default: 5.
  • Refresh time (in min)
    Enter a duration representing the number of minutes to wait until updating the weather data from the server. Default: 60.
  • Display (available for Weather_1, Weather_4 and Weather_5)
    Select the data to be displayed (current condition, today forecast, tomorrow forecast)
  • Number of days (available for Weather_2 and Weather_3)
    Enter the number of days to be shown. Default: 3.
  • Date format (available for Weather_2 and Weather_3)
    Select how to display the date, between 'None', 'Day of the week', 'Day + Month' or custom. Default: 'Day + Month'
  • Show city name
    Select between 'yes' and 'no' to indicate if the city name should be displayed or not. Default: 'yes'
  • Show country name
    Select between 'yes' and 'no' to indicate if the country name should be displayed or not. Default: 'yes'.
  • Show temperature
    Select between 'yes' and 'no' to indicate if the temperature should be displayed or not. Default: 'yes'.
  • Text color
    Select the color of the text.
  • Locale
    Select the locale used to display dates and numbers. Default: 'en_US'

This page was last modified on 5 March 2018, at 17:50.