Weather widgets for Elementi 2015
From SpinetiX Support Wiki
This page is about the weather widgets designed for Elementi 2015.
For other Elementi versions, see Weather widgets and Weather widgets for Elementi 3.x pages.
For other Elementi versions, see Weather widgets and Weather widgets for Elementi 3.x pages.
Weather widgets are designed to display weather information coming from different weather providers (Open Weather Map, Weather Undeground or World Weather Online). To use any of the weather widgets, it is mandatory to register with one of the forecast providers and configure an API key.
- Category: Data feeds
- Author: SpinetiX S.A.
- License: GPL Version 3
- Target: Elementi 2015 (firmware 3.2 or above is required on the HMP)

- Since March 15th, 2016 Yahoo is enforcing OAuth 1 authentication to access the weather data source. Because of that, it is no longer possible to use Yahoo Weather as data source and another provider must be selected.
- The weather icons are loaded from the SpinetiX server by default (there are no icons included in any of these archives). Alternatively, you can download the weather icon set, put the icons inside your project. To change the icon source path use
instead of[[icon_url]]
when using the widgets.
Video tutorial
For full screen, see this video on Vimeo.Download
Weather widgets pack
Version: 3.3 (2016-03-24)
The archive above contains five weather widgets (Weather_1.svg, ... , Weather_5.svg) and a JavaScript file (jSignage.Weather.js - included by each widget).
Alternatively, each of these weather widgets can be downloaded as self-contained widget archive (see details below) in case you want to keep them separately (for instance, to have different settings per widget).
Weather forecast - single item
Version: 3.3.28308 (last modification date: 2016-03-24)
Horizontal weather forecast for multiple days
Version: 3.3.28308 (last modification date: 2016-03-24)
Vertical weather forecast for multiple days
Version: 3.3.28308 (last modification date: 2016-03-24)
Horizontal weather forecast for multiple cities
Version: 3.3.28308 (last modification date: 2016-03-24)
Vertical weather forecast for multiple cities
Version: 3.3.28308 (last modification date: 2016-03-24)
- Location(s)
- Enter one or more locations separated by ';'. It is recommended to add the country 2-letter code after the the location name (e.g., Lausanne CH).
- locations=<values>
- Refresh time (in min)
- Enter a duration representing the number of minutes to wait until updating the weather data from the server. Default: 60.
- refresh=<values>
- Temperature
- Choose between 'Centigrade' and 'Fahrenheit'. Default: 'Centigrade'.
- units=<values>
- dur=<values>
- Locale
- Select the locale used to display dates and numbers. Default: 'en_US'
- locale=<values>
- Slide Duration (in sec)
- Enter a duration representing the number of seconds for which each item is displayed on the screen, in case multiple locations are entered above. Default: 5.
- dur=<values>
- Transition (available for Weather_1, Weather_2 and Weather_3)
- Click on the
button (it opens the "Transition Properties" dialog) and select a transition effect and its properties.
- Click on the
- Looping
- Select whether the widget ends after the last slide or loops to the first one.
- Display (available for Weather_1, Weather_4 and Weather_5)
- Select the data to be displayed (current condition, today forecast, tomorrow forecast)
- what=<values>
- Number of days (available for Weather_2 and Weather_3)
- Enter the number of days to be shown. Default: 3.
- days=<values>
- Delay per cell (available for Weather_2 and Weather_3)
- Enter the number of seconds to wait before displaying the next cell of the table.
- Layout
- The layout of of the widget can be configured as explained in Slideshow widgets for Weather_1 and in the Table widgets for the other ones.
- Provider
- Choice of weather data provider. The following choices are possible:
- openweather: Free API. API Key is mandatory.
- wunderground: Free API Key for developers. API Key is mandatory.
- worldweatheronline: Free and Premium API Key. Free API has only 5 days forecast. API Key is mandatory.
- Choice of weather data provider. The following choices are possible:
- API Key
- Most providers requires you to register on their web site to create an API Key to use their services. Once registered, enter your API Key here to display the weather data.