Preview panel

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This page is related to Elementi GUI.


Preview panel

The Preview panel is located on the top-left part of the Elementi GUI and allows to:

  • Visualize the content (e.g., project, layout, playlist etc.) before publishing it on the HMP.
  • Edit the position of layers within multi-layered documents (e.g., index file, layout, widgets etc.).
  • Pause & control the document playback by clicking on the playback control bar
    • before / after the playback indicator to jump to the start / end time of the document;
    • on the playback indicator and dragging it, to jump to the desired position within the document playback time. (Note that some documents (feed widgets, playlists) may not behave as expected when moving the playback control due to the execution of the scripts.
  • Mute / Unmute the audio within Elementi.
  • Play / Pause the playback of the currently opened document.
  • Test interactive content by enabling the "touch screen mode" using the hand-like icon.
  • Close the current document using the x-like icon in the preview toolbar. (The SpinetiX logo animation is loaded into the preview panel.)

Opening documents

To open a new document to be viewed in the preview panel:

  • To view a media in the preview panel, double-click on the media icon in the Browse panel.
  • To view the content of the current Project:
    • Go to the root of the Project, by clicking on the project name in the address bar on top of the browse panel.
    • Double-click on the Project master file (index.svg)
  • To view the content of a Layout/Playlist:
    • Close the current document using the close icon
    • Double-click on the layout/playlist icon in the Browse panel.
    • The content of the layout/playlist folder will be shown in the Browse panel and the layout/playlist will be displayed in the preview panel.
    • If the previous document was not closed, double-click on the Layout/Playlist master file (index.svg/playlist.svg)

Note that when a media is opened, the title bar of the application will show the name of the edited media. In some cases (opening media in the Library for instance) a Read only indication may be added next to the media name.

Editing within layout

Editing within layout

Some case it is interesting to edit a document within a layout. For instance editing the properties of an RSS ticker at the bottom of the layout. In this case, instead of directly opening the ticker as described above, use the following:

  • Open the Layout
  • Double click on the media (Playlist/Layout/Widget/Schedule) to modify.
    Alternatively, it is possible to right-click on the media and select Edit
  • The following will happens:
    • The edit panel will be modified to display to configurable properties of the media.
    • The edited selection will stay active, whereas the rest of the preview becomes inactive (grayed).
    • The title bar of the application will show the name of the edited media.
  • To go back to the edition of the original Layout, click on the Leave icon on the right of the main toolbar.

Editing widgets

Some widgets, like the data-driven widgets have a special editing modes.

When opening a data-driven widget within Elementi, the actual content from the data feed is displayed. When modifying the data layout, the widget is switched into edit mode, during which the playback is paused and the actual content is replaced by the placeholder for edition text, if any, or the data placeholder otherwise. To edit a layer, click a second time on that field layer - the data placeholder (e.g., [[field]]) can now be edited.

To restart the normal view, press the play button.

Full screen preview

Any content created within Elementi can be visualized within the Preview panel - to view it over the entire screen, without any other GUI elements around, press the F12 keyboard key (or select "Fullscreen" option under Menu > View in the toolbar).

  • When enabling the fullscreen preview, the project is restarted and the interactive mode is turned on automatically - this way, you can test your interactive content.
  • The full screen preview is limited to 1 hour. To exit full screen before, press Escape (Esc) on the keyboard.

This page was last modified on 12 July 2018, at 16:55.