The Settings page of Fusion is accessible by clicking on the item with the same name from the top menu. The following tabs are present:
- My Settings - to change your password and the interface language;
- Skins - for Skins management;
- Templates - for Templates management;
- Users - for users management;
- Backups - for backups management.
My Settings
From this page the user can change the password and the Fusion interface language.
The following languages are available when using the latest firmware:
- Automatic;
- Arabic (العربية);
- Chinese (简体字);
- Chinese Taiwan (繁體字);
- Czech (Česky);
- Danish (Dansk);
- Dutch;
- English;
- Finnish (Suomi);
- French (Français);
- German (Deutsch);
- Hebrew (עִבְרִית);
- Hungarian (Magyar);
- Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia);
- Italian (Italiano);
- Japanese (日本語)
- Polish (Polski);
- Russian (Pусский);
- Spanish (Español);
- Swedish (Svenska);
- Thai (ภาษาไทย);

The inner pages of the Fusion interface can only be accessed after a successful login (the Username and Password are matching the ones stored inside the HMP). By default, there's a special user created, admin, having the Administrator role, which can create additional users with different roles.
Note: Disabling and then re-enabling Fusion, will revert the "admin" password to the default one and all the previously created users will be removed.
- The "admin" is a built-in user that cannot be deleted, nor its role be modified (Administrator).
- The default password for this user is "admin", if no other password was defined during the HMP configuration. It is strongly recommended to change it to a more secure password!
User roles
The following roles are implemented within Fusion:
- Scheduler - users with this role can only activate existing Programs.
- Editor - users with this role can activate existing Programs and modify existing Slides.
- Creator - users with this role can upload content and fully manage (create, delete and modify) Programs, Slides and Playlists. They can also change the active Skin.
- Administrator - users with this role have full rights. In addition to the Creator rights, they can upload new Skins, Slides templates and Style packs. They can also create and delete users.
Users management

Only users with Administrator role can create new users. To create a new user:
- Enter the username and the password twice.
- Select the user role.
- Click on the "Add" button.
Note: It is recommended to create at least one user with "Creator" role to work on a daily basis with Fusion.
Once an user has been created, it will be added under the "All users" list. The following actions can be done afterwards:
- Click on
(the "Delete" button) corresponding to the user you want to delete.
- Click on
(the "Edit" button) corresponding to the user you want to modify.