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The SpinetiX players are multimedia decoders that can display real-time streaming media received over the network from local or Internet sources.

Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a streaming server – which is a hardware / software product that is solely responsible with delivering streaming media (this is in contrast with a traditional web server that delivers all forms of web content, including HTML text, images, etc.). See also a collection of encoders and streamers that can be used for media streaming over the network and that should be compatible with the player.

The streaming media must be compliant with the players' specification, as detailed on Video decoding page, as is subject to various types of latency. If you are experiencing problems with a stream despite it conforming to the specifications, please see the Troubleshooting section below.

To include real-time streaming media inside your Elementi content, use a streaming layer and enter the URI of that streaming media. See steaming formats section below, for more details.

The HMP400/W, iBX410/W, iBX440 players also offer support for displaying web streaming content (using the Web Page layer), video-output streaming, and USB video input (using the video input layer).


ONVIF compliance

ONVIF is a "global open standard for the interface of physical IP-based security products". Some IP cameras mention ONVIF compliance. The SpinetiX players are not solely IP security products, so there are parts of ONVIF which are not relevant. The "real time streaming" section of the ONVIF specification is largely compatible with the SpinetiX devices, including support for RTP, RTSP, H264 and AAC.

Streaming formats

The RTSP, RTP, UDP, SRT, and SDP streaming protocols are natively supported by the SpinetiX's players.

These should refer to an MPEG-2 Transport Stream containing video streams (MPEG 1/2/4/H264/H.265) & audio streams (AAC, MP3, LPCM) within the player specifications (see the Video decoding page for more details).

  • RTSP and SDP can also refer to a raw bitstream of MPEG 1/2/4/H264.


The Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is a network control protocol designed to control streaming media servers. The protocol is used for establishing and controlling media sessions between end points. The transmission of streaming data itself is not a task of the RTSP protocol - the streaming being usually done with RTP over UDP.

An RTSP source has the following format: rtsp://{Streaming_Server_IP}/{Path} or rtsp://{user}:{password}@{Streaming_Server_IP}/{Path}. For example:

  • local streaming server: rtsp:// or rtsp://
  • external Wowza streaming server: rtsp://
Note Notes:
  • The streaming server determines by default whether unicast or multicast is used – to force the player to request one or the other, set the spx:transport attribute value to "multicast" or "unicast" from Layer Properties → Advanced tab.
  • When the stream source is not inside the same network as the player / Elementi, the stream is usually blocked by firewall or router with network address translation (because the server uses by default UDP as the transport for the RTP packets) - in such cases, make sure to activate the "Use TCP transport ... " option when adding the streaming layer, to force the RTP packets to be sent interleaved over the RTSP TCP socket.


The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) defines a standardized packet format for delivering audio and video over IP networks. RTP is designed for end-to-end, real-time, transfer of stream data.

To include a multicast RTP source inside your project, set the URI of a media layer to
  • For example: rtp://
To include an unicast RTP source inside your project, set the URI of a media layer to


The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) uses a simple transmission model with a minimum of protocol mechanism. UDP is suitable for purposes where error checking and correction is either not necessary or performed in the application, avoiding the overhead of such processing at the network interface level.

To include a multicast UDP source inside your project, set the URI of a media layer to:
  • For example: udp://

To include a unicast UDP source inside your project, set the URI of a media layer to


Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) is a video transport protocol that optimizes streaming performance across unpredictable networks, such as the Internet. It provides reliable and secure streaming with low latency, making it suitable for high-quality video transmission. SRT provides connection, control, and reliable transmission (similar to TCP but using UDP protocol as an underlying transport layer). It supports packet recovery while maintaining low latency (default: 120 ms). SRT supports end-to-end encryption with AES.

To include an SRT source inside your project, add a streaming layer and enter a URI according to the following syntax:



  • HOST ⇾ remote IP address or hostname to connect to (mandatory)
  • PORT ⇾ remote port to connect to (mandatory)
  • PARAMS ⇾ optional parameters, such as: "mode", "passphrase", "streamid", "latency", etc. For the full list of parameters, refer to the SRT Documentation.


  • srt://
  • srt://
  • srt://
Note Note:
Any special character in the URI must be properly percent-encoded; for instance, if the passphrase is "my@password", it must be provided as "my%40password".

SDP file

See the full article related to SDP file for more details. The following are supported:

  • SDP that refers to an MPEG2TS via RTP or UDP (all valid codecs for use in an MPEG2TS are supported - MPEG 1/2/4/H264);
  • SDP that refers to a raw bitstream of MPEG 1/2/4/H264.


Applies only for HMP200, HMP130, and HMP100 devices.

Microsoft Media Server (MMS), a Microsoft proprietary network-streaming protocol, serves to transfer unicast data in Windows Media Services. Microsoft deprecated MMS in favor of RTSP in 2003. The MMS protocol is supported by the player as a legacy feature, though its usage is strongly discouraged. To include an MMS source inside your project, set the URI of a media layer to mms://{Path} or to point to an ASX file.

Note Notes:
  • For MMS links, the layer mime type property must be manually set to "video/x-ms-asf".
  • ASX file is a legacy feature for the support of the MMS format - the .ASX file is required when streaming from a Windows Media Server using a "publishing point"; a direct link to a WMS Publishing Point is not supported.


This list is not exhaustive!

Web streaming

Applies to HMP400/W, iBX410/W, iBX440 with DSOS KIOSK license.

Displaying web streaming content is possible on the player using the Web Page layer. For instance, see here how to show YouTube videos in full-screen.

Note Warning:
Capturing and replaying video or streaming content from sites like YouTube and Vimeo, might be prohibited (intellectual property rights, non-commercial usage, etc.) outside their website or apps, so make sure to check their legal terms in advance.
Note Note:
Web streaming doesn't work on HMP350 and HMP300 models because the HTML engine of these models cannot render the stream in real-time. A possible workaround is to download those video(s) locally (using browser add-ons, extension etc.) and then import the video into your Elementi project or upload it onto the player web interface.

Video output streaming

Applies to HMP400/W, iBX410/W, iBX440 with DSOS SYSTEMS license.

The content rendered by the player can be streamed over the local network (IPTV, RTSP/RTP) or toward live-streaming servers (RTMP) such as YouTube Studio, Microsoft Stream, IBM Video Streaming, Vimeo, etc. The following modes are supported:

  • IPTV mode (MPEG2-TS unicast or multicast, with or without RTP headers), with H.264 video and MPEG1 Layer 2, AAC or AC-3 audio.
  • RTSP/RTP in unicast, multicast or TCP mode, with H.264 video and MPEG1 Layer 2, AAC, AC-3 or Opus audio.
  • RTMP(S) upstream with H.264 video and AAC audio.

This feature is enabled from Control CenterAdvanced Applications ⇾ Output Streaming.

Note Notes:
  • Simple configuration is done via Control Center, advanced configuration via the Configuration API.
  • RTSP basic authentication is supported, but the RTSP server is not over TLS.
  • Multicast support is still deemed experimental.
  • YouTube Studio and Microsoft Stream require an audio track to be present in the input stream, so make sure the audio is activated on the player side. Other platforms might require it, as well.
  • This feature is enabled in Control Center for iBX440, and third-party DSOS players, but is currently not functional.

Multiscreen streaming

Applies to HMP400/W, iBX410/W, iBX440 with DSOS SYSTEMS license and HMP350.(firmware 4.1.0 or later).

When adding a streaming layer within a multiscreen project, Elementi shows a warning message saying that "Streaming source should be used in multiscreen projects only if displayed on a single screen or a sync variable is set". If that layer is positioned within a single screen, then it's just a normal case of streaming. But if that layer spans over multiple screens, then you need to do the following changes in Elementi:

  1. Click the Layer Properties button to open the "Layer Properties" dialog.
  2. Go to "Advanced" tab.
  3. Click twice on the "Click to add..." field under the "Name" column until the selection box is expanded.
  4. Select "spx:syncVar" attribute from the list.
  5. Click on the right column next to it (under the "Value" column).
  6. Enter a unique name and press the "Enter" key to validate.
  7. Click "OK" button to save the changes.

Next, make sure the stream is an MPEG-2 Transport Stream multicast over RTP or UDP and follow these steps to synchronize the players.



When the stream is not showing on the player, please do the following:

  1. Check that the streaming server is properly set up and is sending the network packets.
  2. Check that there are no constrains within your network that could block the network packets. For instance, firewalls or network switches/routers.
  3. Check that stream can be played by a multimedia player (like VLC) from a PC.
  4. Check that stream can be played by Elementi.
  5. Check that the stream characteristics are within the player specifications. See Video decoding page for more details.

Send the result of each step together with your enquiry to speed up the diagnostic process.

Known errors

  • Black / green screen on connection to stream – this usually means that the video being streamed is outside the player specification (see Video decoding page for more details).
    • If all codecs are correct and the stream is within range (resolution, etc) then this can indicate that the stream quality is too low for the player to decode the video. Check that the network throughput is sufficient.
  • Audio stream not playing – when the streaming media contains only an audio stream, without a video stream, Elementi / player may display an image having a red cross and a warning sign instead of playing the actual stream. To fix this, you must manually set the mime type of the media layer including the stream to either audio/mpeg or audio/x-ms-asf, depending on the audio codec used by the audio stream.
  • Packets lost – the playback is not smooth and player.log is full of the errors like
    Continuity loss of video stream in MPEG2TS stream detected
    Continuity loss of audio stream in MPEG2TS stream detected
    • This indicates that the player is either:
      • not receiving all the packets of the stream because of network congestion / insufficient throughput → consider lowering the bitrate or using multicast (see the Bandwidth management page for more tips).
      • is receiving too many packets and the player is overloaded → check the usage data in player.log.
  • Image freeze or audio lost – this is the result of a non-optimal multiplexing of the audio and video streams that requires more than 3 MB of buffering of the audio or video stream in order to keep it in sync with the other. In this case the player.log has the following error:
    Stream demuxing failed because more than 3145728 bytes of buffering is required
    • Reconnecting to the streaming media (as often as needed) should fix the image freeze or the audio lost. Alternatively, the spx:maxDemuxingBufferSize attribute could be increased.
  • MPEG-2 AAC audio with ADTS framing is not supported – MPEG-2 AAC audio is supported only for normal media, but not for streaming media. The solution is to check if the streaming media contains another audio stream that is supported (like MPEG-4 AAC, MP3 etc.) and select that one instead.

Stream capture

For streaming related problems, you might be asked to capture your stream and send a sample to us for analysis. The capturing can be done directly on the player or with Elementi. The procedure to follow for each is detailed below.

Stream capture on the player

Stream capture
  1. Open Control CenterNetwork → Logging.
  2. Click on the "Capture stream packets" checkbox option to enable the network packets capture.
  3. Re-publish your project, eventually containing only the stream layer(s) to allow for a clean log.
  4. Wait 2–3 minutes for streaming packets are captured.
  5. Click again on the "Capture stream packets" option to disable the network packets capture.
    • The page is reloaded and there will be a capture file link, which name starts with "CAP_", followed by a unique ID, above the option.
  6. Click the CAP_ link and download the file(s) found in that location – for instance, you can find two files named packets.dmp and session.sdp.
  7. Upload the file(s) to a sharing website (like OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) and provide the access link.

Stream capture using Elementi

  1. Open Elementi.
  2. Click Menu > Help and select "Capture Streaming Packets" option.
  3. Open the project containing the streaming source. Leave the stream running or trying to connect for around 2 minutes.
  4. Close the project.
  5. Open the Local Application Data folder of Elementi by typing the following command into the Run utility (Windows key + R):
    shell:Local AppData\SpinetiX\Elementi\capture
  6. Upload the stream capture to a file-sharing website (Dropbox etc.) and provide the access link.

See also

This page was last modified on 23 August 2024, at 13:15.