Upload content into Fusion

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Fusion is a discontinued product since January 2020.
SpinetiX no longer offers technical support for this software.
Applies to legacy players: HMP200, HMP130, and HMP100.



The following media file types can be uploaded into Fusion:

  • Images: jpeg, png, gif, svg.
  • Video: avi, mp4, wmv, mov.
  • Hypermedia projects as 7z.

To upload a media, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Media page using the top menu.
  2. Press the Add button.
  3. Select the media file to be uploaded.
  4. Wait for the media to be uploaded.
    • When the media has successfully been uploaded, a small preview is shown next to the "Add" button. The media file can then be found under one of the three tabs (as detailed above) - note that it can appear in another tab than the one currently selected.
    • If the media file type is not from the above, you will get a message saying "File format not supported".

Once the media file has been uploaded into Fusion, you can:

  • Preview / download the image / video file - using the FusionViewIcon.gif icon;
  • Delete the media file - using the FusionDelIcon.gif icon.


  • The maximum file size allowed for upload is 2Gb.
  • You can upload multiples file at the same time using zip or 7z files.
  • JPEG images with any of the dimensions bigger than 1280 pixels will be resized (by dividing the dimensions with 2 as many times needed) during upload.
  • For the other types of images there's no resizing, therefore it's recommended to reduce the size of large images before uploading them into Fusion to reduce the memory consumption. The reason for this is that the HMP will allocate memory for the entire image (for instance, 4.8 MB for a 1920x1280 image without transparency and double otherwise) and then will downscale it to match the screen resolution.
    • The quality of the image will also be better when a specialized tool is used for resizing, than the on-the-fly resizing of the HMP.
  • The access to this page can be password-protected - see Security page for details about how to secure the access to your HMP.

Not supported

The following files are not supported (the list is not exhaustive):

  • Audio files. The solution is to use the audio file inside Skin, Template or Hypermedia project.
  • PowerPoint content – presentation files can be exported as videos directly from Microsoft PowerPoint application.
  • Flash content – the animation files must be exported as videos.

Using compressed files

Fusion is able to use archives / compressed files to facilitate the upload of multiple files at once.

Using 7z file

  • You can upload multiple files at once or hypermedia projects using the 7z compression format.
  • The 7z archive MUST be created using one of the following compression level: Store, Fastest, or Fast. Other compression levels are not supported by Fusion.
  • You can also create a 7z file using the Archive feature of Elementi / HMD.

Using zip file

  • You can upload multiple media files at once using the zip compression format.
  • When using the zip format to upload files, only file with printable ASCII characters are accepted. To upload files with any kind of characters, 7z format should be used.


  • Error "File Extraction Failed": This is due to either a corrupted or wrongly-compressed Archive. You should not extract or alter archives that have been created by Elementi / HMD or Fusion.
  • If you need to manually create an Archive for upload into fusion, the 7zip compression settings must be set to "7z and "None/Store".

Uploading Video

Media - Videos

Fusion support for video decoding is somehow limited as with projects created in Elementi / HMD; the following limitations applies in this case:

  • The following video formats are supported by Fusion: avi, mov, mp4 and wmv.
    • Files with the .mpg extension (use an accurate extension instead) and some other formats not listed above (such as .vob, .m2p etc.) are not supported.
  • The file size is limited to 2Gb.

You can upload video files together with a preview images using 7z files. If Fusion finds in the 7z file a video (e.g., myVideo.mp4) and a png file with the name '.preview.[video_name].png' (e.g., '.preview.myVideo.mp4.png') it will associate the preview image to that video.

  • If you use the Archive feature of Elementi / HMD on a video file, the video is archived together with its preview image.
  • If no preview is uploaded, the default preview image for media will be used.

Note Note:
Fusion doesn't check if the file is supported on your target HMP, like Elementi / HMD does; using a video outside the player specifications is not recommended and most probably won't be displayed on the screen.

Uploading Hypermedia

Media - Hypermedia

You can upload into Fusion a hypermedia project created in Elementi / HMD, after it has been previously archived as a 7z file:

  1. Select the project you want to archive within Elementi / HMD.
  2. Right click on the project and select the "Archive..." option.
  3. Save the generated 7z file on your computer.
  4. Upload that 7z file into Fusion.


  • If you are not using Elementi / HMD and instead you are manually archiving the project folder, then make sure to remove the .SPXDAV folders inside it and use 7zip as archive format (note that zip format will not work for this purpose).
  • By default Hypermedia project created by HMD have an infinite duration. When put into a Program, a duration should be set, otherwise the Program will never switch to the next item.

Uploading custom fonts

There are three ways to add custom fonts into Fusion:

  1. Include them into the "fonts" folder of a Style Pack or, if using a Skin independently, manually add a "fonts" folder inside the Skin.
  2. Uploading a Hypermedia project with custom fonts inside, will automatically add those custom fonts into Fusion.
  3. If you don't use the above, then you can create a 7zip archive of a folder called 'fonts' having the custom fonts inside and upload it into Fusion from Settings > Skins (not as a regular media). Also, ensure that the archive compression is set to Store (none).
This page was last modified on 20 August 2024, at 15:16.