Weather apps

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This page is related to the built-in apps of the player web interface. For Elementi, see Weather widgets page.


Weather Apps
Weather Apps

The weather apps display the weather forecast for up to three different locations, using either Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) units. The weather data is freely provided by OpenWeatherMap.

Two weather apps are built-into the player's content creation tool:

  • Weather
    Displays the current weather or today's / tomorrow's forecast for up to three different locations.
  • Weather Days
    Displays the weather forecast from today to up to seven days, for up to three different locations.


Weather apps
Weather apps
Basic properties
Basic properties

Apps are building blocks of content Playouts - when opening a Playout, all its apps are listed on the right side and clicking on the app name reveals its basic properties. For weather apps, these are:

  • Location 1, Location 2, Location 3
    Enter up to three locations - it is recommended to use the city name followed by the country code, separated by a coma, like "Geneva,CH" or "New York,US".
    Starting with firmware 4.3.0, you can also enter as location the city ID (4699066), Geo coordinates (29.76, -95.36) or the ZIP code (77001,US) - the given examples are for Houston,US. You can get the city id or Geo coordinates by searching for your location on the OpenWeatherMap site.
  • Unit
    Select either Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).
  • Locale (Weather Days only)
    Select the locale used to display the date (month and days names) and numbers.

Advanced configuration

Advanced properties for Weather
Advanced properties for Weather Days

When editing a Playout, you can add / remove apps, and position them anywhere within Playout without overlapping other apps; clicking on the app name on the right side reveals its advanced properties. For weather apps, these are:

  • Name
    Enter a name for this app instance.
  • Position
    Enter the X and Y coordinates of the top-left corner for this app instance.
  • Dimensions
    Enter the width and height for this app instance.
  • Type
    Weather : Select the weather forecast as "Current weather", "Today", "Tomorrow"
    Weather Days : Select the display layout as "Horizontal", "Vertical"
  • Location 1, Location 2, Location 3, Unit, Locale
    See above.
  • Number of days (Weather Days only)
    Number of days of forecast to be displayed. Up to 7 days are supported starting with firmware 4.0.1.
  • Duration
    In case of multiple locations, duration of the display of each location.
  • Date (Weather Days only)
    Configure how the date should be shown in the display. The following values are possible:
    • No date: do not show any date.
    • Day and month: Show the date as number and the month name.
    • Day of the week: Show the day of the week.
  • Color
    Select the color of the text.
  • City
    Indicated whether the city name should be shown or not.
  • Temperature
    Indicated whether the temperature should be shown or not.
  • Background
    Select the color of the background and its transparency.