Message app

The Apps message let you display live messages on the fly
- It’s immediate and simple
- Delegate message updates, available from any device
- Supports consecutive messages

This app can be used to display a message on the screen. The message itself is edited outside the Playout, in a specific page.
When opening the Playout and selecting the Apps Message, a link is shown in the properties of the Apps. Clicking on the "open" button will open a new browser tab to change the message itself. This link can also be given to another user with limited rights to be modified even if the user has no access to the Playout itself.

Update messages

The message update page, let any user, with the correct URL link, change the message displayed by the player.
User can:
- Add new message line using the "New Message" button.
- Edit any existing messages
- Remove any message using the cross icon next to the message.
- Save the message. The message will be immediately updated on the display.
- Close this window.

The Apps can be freely positioned anywhere in the Playout as long as it does not overlap other Apps.
The Apps has the following configurations parameters
- Type
- Two type of apps can be used
- Text bar: the message will be displayed on a given number of lines, with eventual scrolling.
- Ticker: the message is displayed as a ticker
- Two type of apps can be used
- Direction (ticker only)
- Scrolling direction of the ticker
- Speed (ticker only)
- Speed of the ticker
- Padding (ticker only)
- Space between 2 messages
- Number of line (text bar only)
- Number of line to display the message. If the message cannot be displayed using these number of line, it will scroll.
- Duration per line (text bar only)
- How long each line should be displayed
- Color
- Color of the text message
- Font
- Font used to display the message. Only built-in fonts can be used.
- Background
- Color of the background
- Shared Variable
- Automatic name of the variable used by the Message app. It is recommended to leave the automatically generated value.