Media app
This page is related to the built-in apps of the player web interface.

The Media app can be used to display one or more images and videos for instant visual impact.
To add an image or video as background, simply drag and drop that image or video from the media pane at the bottom or from the File Explorer (the file is first uploaded onto the player's media gallery). You can also create a media set for which you can change the items' order and duration and choose among a variety of transitions.
See also the Background app, which is a special version of the Media app, set to fit the entire screen.
To toggle the app properties' pane, click on the app name on the right-side of the Content Playout.
- To clear the selected media / set, click on the cross icon.
- To edit the media set, click on the pen icon. This will open the media set edit page.
Single media

This is the default behavior of the Media app.
To add an image or video as background, simply drag and drop that image or video into the Playout preview pane either from the media pane at the bottom or from the File Explorer (the file is first uploaded onto the player's media gallery). It is also possible to use the "Upload Media" button at the top of the window.
Media set

The Media app also supports displaying multiple media - for that, click the "Create Set" box so that any media dropped (or uploaded) onto the app, will be added to the set, as opposed to replacing the current media.
Additional app properties are enabled for media sets:
- Default duration
- Default duration for the images in the set - each image will be displayed for this duration, while videos will be displayed for their native duration.
- Transition
- Optional transition to be used when switching between media. If a transition is selected, enter its duration and any additional properties (direction or factor).
Edit media set

To further customize the media set, click the edit button (pencil) - this opens the Media set edit page, from which you can:
- Drag and drop media from the media selection view below.
- Change the order of the media simply by using drag and drop within the set view.
- Remove an asset from the set by clicking on its cross icon.
- Change the properties of the media by clicking its gear icon.
- Set the duration of the selected media - note that for video the native duration is used by default.
- Set a start and / or an end date during which that media should be displayed - outside this period, the media will not be considered as part of the set. At least one media should be valid!
The top buttons can be used to:
- Upload Media : Click this to upload new media - the uploaded media will be added to the set and to the media view.
- Setup : Click this to change the properties of the Media app, such as default duration and transition.
- OK : Click this to return to Playout editing.
At the bottom of the page the Media view can be used to:
- Display all available media to be used in the set.
- Drag and drop any media from the media view to the Media set view to add it to the set.
- Import media from explorer either using drag and drop of the "Upload Media" button.

When editing a Playout, click the Media app block to access its configuration parameters:
- Name
- Enter a friendly name for this Media app.
- Position
- Enter the X and Y coordinates for the top-left corner of the app area. These are automatically updated when moving / resizing the app within the Playout edit zone.
- Dimensions
- Enter the width and height for the app area. These are automatically updated when moving / resizing the app within the Playout edit zone.
- Media fit
- Select how the media will be adapted if its size does not match the app zone, from the following:
- Slice (default): the media will be cut to fit the zone.
- Meet: The media will be scaled to fill the zone either horizontally or vertically.
- Fill: The media will fill the zone, regardless of its original aspect ratio.
- Select how the media will be adapted if its size does not match the app zone, from the following:
- Media align
- Position of the media in the zone in case the size do not match.

- When creating media sets with no valid media inside, the player reboots and ends up in Safe mode. The workaround is to make sure that at least one media is valid. Applies to firmware 4.3.0 to 4.4.1.