Content scheduling tool

From SpinetiX Wiki

This page is about the content scheduling feature of the player web interface present on DiVA, HMP350, and HMP300 devices.
For Elementi scheduling feature, see Elementi Schedule page.


The next step after having uploaded or created some assets on the player, using the content creation tool, is to schedule them to be displayed during certain periods of time. This is exactly what the content scheduling tool does, allowing the user to schedule any media (images, videos, and audio files), Playout, or Playlist assets to be displayed by the player.

To access the content scheduling tool, click on the "SCHEDULE" link on the top bar menu of the player web interface.

To get familiar with the content scheduling tool, watch the video tutorials below.

Schedule page

Schedule page

The page is composed of the following elements:

  1. Top bar menu
  2. Schedule panel
    This panel shows the current week / month schedule - the weekly view (default) and the monthly view can be used interchangeably by clicking on the corresponding buttons.
    Assets can be scheduled using drag and drop from the asset panel (#6) onto this panel.
    When clicking on a scheduled asset, its details are opened within the editing panel (#3).
  3. Editing panel
    This panel allows editing the details of the selected item - which could be:
    • Default asset: This is the asset that is displayed when nothing else is present in the schedule.
    • Scheduled asset: Shows details about the scheduled asset, including start time, duration and recurrences rules.
    You can also drag and drop assets from the asset panel (#6) to change the item currently opened.
  4. View selection icons
    These icons allow selecting the size of the previews, and switching between horizontal and vertical assets.
  5. Select and search boxes
    The first drop-down box can be used to select the type of assets (Media/Playout/Playlist) to be displayed. The search box can be used to refine the number of assets shown in the asset panel (#6).
  6. Asset panel
    Display the list of assets available for scheduling - simply drag and drop an asset from this panel onto the schedule panel to schedule it.
  7. Save button
    The save button appears as soon as changes are made and must be used to validate those changes.
  8. Help button
    The help button (?) provides an inline help on all the functionality of the page.

How to

Configure a default content

For full screen, see this video on Vimeo.

Default content box

When a particular content should be played continuously or whenever nothing else is specified in the schedule, that asset needs to be configured as default content. The assets are found in the bottom part of the screen and can be one of the media files uploaded on the player, a Playout, a Playlist, or even an Elementi project (applies to HMP300 and HMP350 only).

If nothing is configured as default content, the player displays the SpinetiX logo animation or the Elementi project published onto it.

To configure a default content, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Default" box on the left side to open it.
  2. Find your default content within the asset panel.
  3. Drag and drop that asset into the preview placeholder of the "Default" box. The name of the "Default" box and its preview are updated at this point to reflect the change.
  4. Click the "Save" button to apply the changes. If nothing else is scheduled to be displayed at the current time, then the default asset is displayed.
Note Notes:
  • To clear up the default content configuration, click the clear (x) button.
  • To edit the asset selected as default content, click the edit (pen) button.
  • To have a quick inline help, click the help (?) button.
  • Starting with 4.1.0 firmware, it is also possible to have the player turning off the screen when there is nothing specified in the schedule panel - for that, enable the "Turn monitor OFF" option.

Schedule assets

For full screen, see this video on Vimeo.

Schedule asset

To schedule an asset (media, Playout, Playlist etc.) to be displayed at a certain time, follow these steps:

  1. Find the asset you want to schedule within the asset panel.
  2. Drag and drop that asset onto the schedule panel at the desired time slot.
    • Move the item within the schedule panel to change the assigned time slot.
    • Use the bottom-oriented arrow icon to change its duration (which is 6 hours by default).
  3. Once added, the scheduled item is highlighted in the edit panel (as seen on the right), from where you can further modify the item properties:
    • Check "All day" option if this should be displayed for the entire day.
    • Modify the starting date & time, duration, recurrence.
    • If this should repeat, select a recurrence pattern and, optionally, an end date for that.
  4. Click "Save" on top of the page to apply the changes.

Note Note:
The scheduling tool tries to prevent scheduling assets within the same period, nevertheless, in case of overlapping events, the one visually displayed above the others is the one that is displayed by the player.

Display content published by Elementi

Schedule Elementi Project

This section applies for HMP350 and HMP300 devices.

It is possible to display content Published by Elementi together with any Media, Playout or Playlist:

  1. Publish an Elementi project on the HMP.
  2. Open the "Schedule" page.
  3. Look for an item named "Elementi" within the assets panel. Set the asset filter to "Live Source" or "Playouts" if necessary.
  4. Schedule the "Elementi" asset to be displayed either as default content or as scheduled item.

Note Note:
The preview thumbnail of the published project is only refreshed when reloading the page.

See also