Clock apps
From SpinetiX Support Wiki
This page is related to the built-in apps of the player web interface.
The Clock apps are used to display customizable and location specific time
- Set single or multiple clocks per location
- Time zones support
- Automatic time format adjustment
The clock apps do not have any properties.
The Apps can be freely positioned anywhere in the Playout as long as it does not overlap other Apps.
The Apps have the following configurations parameters
- Type
- Type of clocks to be used
- Arabic (analog clock only): Use Arabic number to show the time
- Roman (analog clock only): Use Roman number to show the time
- Square LED (digital clock only): Use square LED to show the time
- Seven-segment (digital clock only): Use seven-segments to show the time
- Type of clocks to be used
- Time Zone
- Time zone of the clock. By default, the clocks shows the local time. This configuration can be used to display clock in other time zone than the one of the player.
- Format (digital clock only)
- Format of the digital clock the following are supported:
- HH:MM Display the hours and minutes always with 2 digits (09:12) for 9:12 AM.
- HH:MM:SS Display the hours, minutes and seconds always with 2 digits (09:12:30) for 9:12:30 AM.
- H:MM Display the hours and minutes (9:12) for 9:12 AM.
- H:MM:SS Display the hours, minutes and seconds (9:12:30) for 9:12:30 AM.
- Format of the digital clock the following are supported:
- 24h format (digital clock only)
- Indicate whether 24h hours or AM/PM format should be used.
- Color
- Color of the clocks
- Separator pulse (digital clock only)
- Indicated whether the separator should pulse or not
- Marks (analog clock only)
- Indicated whether additional minutes marks should be shown or not
- Second hand (analog clock only)
- Indicated whether the second hand should be shown or not
- Background
- Color of the background