From SpinetiX Support Wiki
The archive feature of Elementi / HMD allows exporting an entire project or just part of it as a 7-zip archive, that can be later used for:
- Sharing content with other people.
- Loading that content on other computers running Elementi / HMD.
- Uploading that project on HMP devices running Fusion.
- Backup purposes.
It is recommended to use this feature, instead of manually creating such content archives. If for any reasons, you are creating your own 7z files, note that the compression type must be set to "None" (Store), otherwise the archive might not be accepted by the player / software.
Export a project
To archive a project, follow these steps:
- Click the "Projects" tab within the Browse panel.
- Right-click on the project to archive.
- Select "Archive..." option from the contextual menu.
- Browse to the location where to save the 7z file.
- Click the "Save" button.

If the project is already opened in Elementi, you can also use the Menu > File > Archive... option from the toolbar.
Export part of a project
To export just a part of a project, for instance a layout or playlist, follow these steps:
- Click the "Projects" tab within the Browse panel.
- Double-click on the project icon to open it. The last tab takes the name of that project.
- Select the files to export and right-click over one of them.
- Select "Archive..." option from the contextual menu.
- Browse to the location where to save the 7z file.
- Click the "Save" button.
Import a project
To import a project archive into Elementi, follow these steps:
- Click the "Projects" tab within the Browse panel.
- Drag & drop the 7z file from Windows Explorer / Desktop into the Browse panel.

If a project archive is drag-and-drop inside another project, it will be converted automatically to a layout.
To import the project archive into Fusion, follow the steps detailed under Uploading Hypermedia in Fusion.