
From SpinetiX Wiki

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Timeline view

The Elementi timeline is a visual representation of the start and end playing time of a media layer. It can be used both to view and to control when the media layer will be displayed within the layout duration.

  • Each media layer has its own timeline.
  • By default the duration of each media layer in the layout is set to 100%.
  • The timeline can only be edited when the layout duration is set to a fixed duration.

Displaying media properties

Hovering the pointer over the timeline shows the time parameters of the media

  • If the media is an image or a text and has no duration being set
    Begin time and Show forever
  • If the media is an image or a text and has a duration
    Begin time, Show duration and End playing time. The truncate icon is visible.
  • If the media is a video, a playlist or an audio file and is set to repeat forever
    Begin time' and Show forever. The repeat icon is visible.
  • If the media is a video, a playlist or an audio file and is set to play once
    Begin time, Show duration and End playing time. The play once icon is visible.
  • If the media is a video, a playlist or an audio file and is set to play for a time longer than its duration
    Begin time, Show duration and End playing time. The repeat icon is visible.
  • If the media is a video, a playlist or an audio file and is set to play for a time shorter than its duration
    Begin time, Show duration and End playing time. The truncate icon is visible.

Controlling playing time

To modify the playing time of a media:

  • Change the duration of the media using by moving the beginning of the timeline with the mouse. When the mouse moves over the beginning or the end of the media timeline, the cursor changes to a double arrow, and the begin and end time can be modified.
  • Change the playing time of the media by moving the active timeline. When the mouse moves over the active timeline, the cursor changes to a move arrow, and the active timeline can be moved.
  • Click on the truncate icon for images and text to reset the timeline.
  • Click on the repeat or truncate icon of video/playlist to force the media to be played once.

Video tutorial


  • Timeline of all media is light blue and cannot be modified.
    The duration of the current document is either set to media or indefinite. Timeline can only be used in layout with fixed duration. Open the properties dialog of the layout and set the duration to a finite value (30s for instance).