JSignage Multiscreen plugin

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jSignage Multiscreen library is a jSignage plugin for different multiscreen related calculations. It is used by Elementi for multiscreen projects.

jSignage.Multiscreen.js must be included in the document, after the jSignage.js library. It requires 3.2.0 firmware or greater.

<script xlink:href="http://download.spinetix.com/spxjslibs/jSignage.js"/>
<script xlink:href="http://download.spinetix.com/spxjslibs/jSignage.Multiscreen.js"/>


This plugin extends the jSignage object, adding an jSignage.Multiscreen object property, having the following methods bound to it:

  • isRectVisible
  • megaImage
  • megaVideo
  • parseLength
  • parseAspectRatio
  • createBorder
  • setupArray
  • setupCustom
  • setupLayout
  • setAlternativeViewboxes
  • anchorTransform
  • edgeBlending
  • uncan


This is how Elementi 2015 uses the jSignage Multiscreen add-on to create a multiscreen array project, based on a user-editable configuration.

var config = $.parseJSON( $( '#config' ).text() );
var setup = $.Multiscreen.setupArray( config );
$('svg').attr( 'viewBox', setup.viewBox.join(' ') );
    var txt = $('#jsonLayers').text();
    $('#layers').add( $.Multiscreen.uncan( setup, $.parseJSON( txt ) ) );
    if ( setup.blending )
        $('svg').add( $.Multiscreen.edgeBlending( setup.blending ) );


  • 2014-10-02: Started the development of the jSignage.Multiscreen library.
  • 2015-08-07: Version 1.0.0, included within the 3.2.0 release of HMP firmware.
  • 2015-11-03: Version 1.0.1, included within the 4.0.0 release of the HMP firmware.
  • 2017-04-06: Version 1.0.2, included within the 4.2.0 / 3.4.0 release.
This page was last modified on 22 November 2018, at 19:58.