From SpinetiX Support Wiki
Fullscreen news slideshow
- Finally we can build a full screen slideshow for both the headline and the content.
- We'll make use of the scrollingTextArea for the title just in case it is too large to fit on two lines, while
- we use the fitTextArea for the content so that it is visible all at once.
Source code
var uri = 'media/science.rss';
$.get( uri, function( rssFeed ) {
var rss = $.parseRSS( rssFeed );
data: rss,
defaultSlideDur: 10,
defaultTransition: $.wipe({ type: 'iris' }),
renderToSVG: function() {
return $.g({ frame: { backColor: 'white', padding: 20 } }).add([
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: 200,
height: 150,
layerFit: 'horizontal',
mediaFit: 'slice',
href: this.enclosure
left: 220,
top: 0,
height: 130,
lines: 2,
fill: 'black',
fontWeight: 'bold',
textAlign: 'start'
}).setFillFreeze().text( this.title ),
top: 170,
fill: '#606060',
textAlign: 'start',
displayAlign: 'before',
fontFamily: 'Georgia',
lineIncrement: 60
}).text( this.description )
repeatCount: 'indefinite'
}, 'text' );