Custom Recurrence Rules dialog

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The "Custom Recurrence Rules" dialog allows creating complex recurrence rules for content included into an Elementi schedule. It is opened when pressing the "Custom..." button within the "Schedule Media" dialog. For instance, to create a recurrence rule for an event that happens every other week, on Tuesday and Thursday, for 8 occurrences, see the image on the right.

Custom Recurrence Rules dialog

The "Custom Recurrence Rules" dialog contains the following fields:

  • Repeats
    Defines the frequency type of recurrence rule. Values: "Minutes", "Hourly", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly" and "Yearly".
  • Repeat every
    Contains a positive integer representing at which intervals the recurrence rule repeats. Takes values between 1 and 9999.
  • Ends
    Defines the ending condition for the recurrence rule. Values: "Never", "On" a specific date, and "After" a finite number of times (between 1 and 9999).
  • Additional criteria
    • Minute
      Contains a COMMA-separated list of minutes within an hour. Valid values are 0 to 59.
    • Hour
      Contains a COMMA-separated list of hours of the day. Valid values are 0 to 23.
    • Weekday
      Contains the list of days of the week when the rule applies.
      The field "Specify" can be used to create advanced rules with monthly or yearly rules. For instance:
      • (Monthly rule) "MO,FR" means all Mondays and Fridays within the month and "-2MO" means the previous to last Monday of the month.
      • (Yearly rule) "-1" represents the last day of the year (December 31st) and "-306" represents the 306th to the last day of the year (March 1st).
    • Day of month
      Contains a COMMA-separated list of days of the month. Valid values are 1 to 31 or -31 to -1. For example, -10 represents the tenth to the last day of the month.
    • Week number
      Contains a COMMA-separated list of ordinals specifying weeks of the year. Valid values are 1 to 53 or -53 to -1.
    • Month
      Contains the list of months when the rule applies.
  • Occurrence number
  • Week starts on
    Specifies the day on which the workweek starts.