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Template documentation

The Warning Note template can be used to display a distinctive text block, having a warning sign icon on the left side.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • title
    Text written at the top with bigger font size.
  • description
    A longer text displayed as a separate paragraph than the title and with regular font size.
  • text
    Text to be displayed with bold characters.
  • text2
    Text to be displayed with normal characters.
  • class
    Additional CSS class.
  • cssStyle
    Additional block styling provided as CSS code.

Deprecated parameters:

  • float
    Enter "right" or "left" to force the block to be floated on the right/left side of the page. Use class=right instead.
  • multirows
    Enter a non-empty value (like multirows=yes) to alter the CSS code to accommodate multiple rows of text (useful especially when using both text and text2 parameters). Use class=big instead.
  • width
    used to specify a certain width for the Download box, like width=50%. Use cssStyle=width: 50%; instead.


  • Without a custom text on one line: {{WarningNote|title=Please note that ...}}
Please note that ...
  • With a custom text on two lines: {{WarningNote|class=big|text=Please note that ...|text2=For more details ...}}
Please note that ...
For more details ...
  • With a custom text on multiple lines:
{{WarningNote|text=Here is a long warning, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned. Here is a long warning, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned.| class=big right | cssStyle=width: 50%;}}
Here is a long warning, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned. Here is a long warning, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned.
This page was last modified on 15 January 2021, at 13:28.