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The Technical Note template can be used to display a distinctive text block having a "technical note" icon on the left side.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • text: Enter the text to be displayed; in the absence of it the text displayed is "Technical note".
  • float : Enter a non-empty value (like float=yes) to force the block to be floated on the right side of the page.
  • multirows: Enter a non-empty value (like multirows=yes) to alter the css code to accommodate multiple rows of text.
  • width: Enter a valid css value (like width=50%) for the technical note box width.

Examples of use

  • Without any parameters: {{TechnicalNote}}
  • With a custom text on one line: {{TechnicalNote|text=Please note that ...}}
Please note that ...
  • With a custom text on multiple lines:
{{TechnicalNote|width=60%|float=yes|multirows=yes|text=Here is a long technical note, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned. Here is a long technical note, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned.}}
Here is a long technical note, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned. Here is a long technical note, which is sufficiently wordy to run onto a second line and still being nicely aligned.
This page was last modified on 4 February 2019, at 18:05.