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Inkscape is a an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator or CorelDraw. It saves files in SVG tiny format, which is supported by the SpinetiX family of products.

When you might consider using Inkscape:

  • Your project involves a lot of pixel-precise placement of objects.
  • You want to animate objects using SVG.
  • You want to compose complex vector graphics objects

How to create an SVG file in Inkscape and import into Elementi/HMD

This guide was written using Inkscape 0.48

  1. Open Elementi/HMD and create a new 16x9 project.
  2. Open Inkscape and create a new 16x9 document.

    Is s1.jpg

  3. Add your objects and text.

    Is s2.jpg

  4. If you want to be able to manipulate individual shapes in Elementi / HMD later, it is recommended to give each shape an ID: Right-click each object and select Object Properties, change the "id" to a unique name, press Set.

    Is s2a.jpg

  5. Save your file in Plain SVG format to your new project folder.

    Is s3.jpg

  6. Right-click the project workspace in Elementi / HMD and click Refresh. Open your new SVG file you just created.
  7. In order to edit individual objects, select the XML Tree View, and expand the <g> node. The entries correspond to your individual objects.

    Is s4.jpg

  8. Identify each object with the label you gave in step 4.

    Is s5.jpg

  9. To make an object individually selectable, right-click the object (e.g. <path>) and click "Make media editable".

    Is s6.jpg

  10. Click Apply.
This page was last modified on 28 February 2013, at 19:15.