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The progress wheel widget shows a rotating wheel pattern to inform the user that some asynchronous process is in progress and he should wait for the results.

A new progress wheel is constructed with $.progressWheel( params )

The progress wheel is part of the interactive layer type and part of the interactivity framework.

progressWheel parameters

All layers share a common set of attributes to define their screen layout and active time interval.

Basic parameters

  • style
    Wheel style, one of 'manzana', 'square' or 'round'. Default: 'manzana'.
  • color
    Bars color. Default: 'white'.
  • barCount
    Number of bars. Default: 12.

Advanced parameters

These parameters are for customization of the bars appearance beyond the three basic styles.

  • innerRadius
    Ratio of inner radius of the bars to the size of the widget. Default: depends on style.
  • outerRadius
    Ratio of outer radius of the bars to the size of the widget. Default: depends on style.
  • barWidth
    Ratio of the width of the bars to the size of the widget. Default: depends on style.

Specific functions

There are not specific functions for the progressWheel.

See the list of functions to work with layers.


    $.progressWheel( {
        style: 'round',
        color: '#8080FF',
        left: '45%',
        top: '45%',
        width: '10%',
        height: '10%'

This page was last modified on 9 December 2016, at 18:10.