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This page is related to JSignage:Tutorials.


Decoration attributes

  • Media layers can have frame decoration attributes to alter their shape.
  • Notice that the use of the .add() methods with an array argument to add multiple layers at once.

Source code

          left: 120,
          top: 30,
          width: 400,
          height: 300,
          frame: { frameColor: '#D4AF37', frameSize: 20 },
          href: 'media/Monet_4_3/mini/2.jpg'

          left: 760,
          top: 30,
          width: 400,
          height: 300,
          frame: { frameColor: '#D4AF37', frameSize: 20, shape: 'snip', rx: 20 },
          href: 'media/Monet_4_3/mini/3.jpg'

          left: 120,
          top: 390,
          width: 400,
          height: 300,
          frame: { frameColor: '#D4AF37', frameSize: 20, shape: 'snip', rx: 20, corners: [ 'topRight', 'bottomLeft' ] },
          href: 'media/Monet_4_3/mini/6.jpg'

          left: 760,
          top: 390,
          width: 400,
          height: 300,
          frame: { frameColor: '#D4AF37', frameSize: 20, shape: 'round', rx: 20, corners: [ 'topLeft', 'bottomRight' ] },
          href: 'media/Monet_4_3/mini/13.jpg'



The preview might not work in Firefox due to lack of support for feImage.

This page was last modified on 9 August 2017, at 17:16.