JSignage:Graph:Pie and donut charts

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This page is related to jSignage Graph API.


Pie and donut charts represent data as slices, where the size of each slice is determined by the slice value relative to the sum of the values of all slices. These charts are usually shaped as either full circle (360°) or semi-circular, although the start and end angles are fully customizable. The donut charts are in fact pie charts with a hole in the center.

To create a pie / donut chart layer, use $.Graph.pieChart() function.

Gallery of pie and donut charts


$.Graph.pieChart( attributes );

Returns: jSignage Object


Draws a pie / donut chart layer.

  • To obtain a donut shaped chart, make sure to specify the pieHole attribute.
  • The fill color and stroke style of each slice can be adjusted separately. The fill is either a solid uniform color or a radial luminosity gradient.
  • The text inside a slice is configurable among the following options: no text, label, value or percentage. Likewise the text outside / next to a slice is configurable with the same options. If labels are provided then a legend box can be included in the layer next to the graph area.
  • A slice labeled 'Other' is automatically added to the chart if some values are too small to be represented in their own slice.
  • It's possible to offset a slice in order to highlight it further.



  • data (required)
    Type: Array.<Number>.
    Array of numbers, where each value corresponds to a slice of the pie.
  • borderSize
    Type: Number. Default: 2% of pie radius;
    Additional space in pixels left empty between the slices. 0 means the slices are contiguous.
  • chartArea
    Type: Plain Object.
    Object with top, left, width and height attributes to define the position of the pie chart within the layer. By default the chart will occupy as much space as possible without overlapping the legend box.
  • colors
    Type: Array.<Color>. Default: $.Graph.baseColors
    Array of colors, where each value corresponds to a slice of the pie.
  • endAngle
    Type: Number. Default: startAngle;
    End angle of the pie. If equal to the start angle the pie is a full circle.
  • fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariant, fontWeight
    Type: String or Number.
    Default text styling attributes for slice text and legend. The fontSize is set by default to 10% of the pie radius.
  • labels
    Type: Array.<String>. Default: [ '1', '2', '3', '4', ... ]
    Array of labels, where each value corresponds to a slice of the pie.
  • pieHole
    Type: Number. Default: 0.
    Fraction between 0 (no hole) and 1 (exclusive) for an hollowed out center inside the pie chart. A value of 0.4 is typically used to produce a donut chart.
  • pieResidueSliceColor
    Type: Color. Default: '#ccc'.
    Color of the residual slice.
  • pieResidueSliceLabel
    Type: String. Default: 'Other'.
    Label associated to the residual slice.
  • reverseCategories
    Type: Boolean. Default: false.
    Weather the pie is drawn anticlockwise (true) or clockwise (false) from startAngle to endAngle.
  • slices
    Type: Array.<Plain Object>.
    Array of plain objects to customize the appearance of each slice, where each object may have the following attributes to override the slice defaults:
  • sliceGradient
    Type: Number. Default: 1 (no gradient).
    Adds a luminosity gradient between the center side and border side of each slice.
    If positive, the luminosity at the center side is 100% and the luminosity at the border side is multiplied by sliceGradient.
    If negative, the luminosity at the center side is multiplied by sliceGradient and the luminosity at the border side is 100%.
  • sliceVisibilityThreshold
    Type: Number. Default: 0.02.
    Size of the smallest possible slice, expressed as a fraction of the sum of all values in data. Values below the threshold are attributed to an additional "residue" slice at the end of the pie.
  • startAngle
    Type: Number. Default: 0;
    Start angle of the pie in degrees clockwise from the vertical position.
  • textInside
    Type: String. Default: 'none'.
    Specifies the text to be used inside each slice, among the following choices: 'none' (no text), 'percentage' (slice size in percent), 'label' or 'value'.
  • textOutside
    Type: String. Default: 'none'.
    Specifies the text to be used outside each slice, among the following choices: 'none' (no text), 'percentage' (slice size in percent), 'label' or 'value'.


Pie chart
// draw a pie chart
$.Graph.pieChart( {
    data: [ 2.44, 1.18, 0.89, 0.70, 0.29, 0.27, 0.26 ],
    labels: [ 'Espresso', 'Cappuccino', 'Latte', 'Ristretto', 'Macchiato', 'Mocha', 'Americano' ],
    fontSize: 24,
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    fontWeight: 700,
    textInside: 'percentage',
    textInsideStyle: { color: 'white' },
    textOutside: 'label',
    borderSize: 3,
    legend: null
} ).addTo('svg');

Donut chart
// draw a donut chart
$.Graph.pieChart( {
    data: [ 2133, 58, 911, 838, 282, 56 ],
    labels: [ 'Coal', 'Oil', 'Gas', 'Nuclear', 'Hydro', 'Wind' ],
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    textInside: 'percentage',
    textInsideStyle: { color: 'white', fontSize: 24, fontWeight: 800 },
    textOutside: 'label',
    textOutsideStyle: { fontSize: 24, fontWeight: 800 },
    borderSize: 6,
    pieHole: 0.4,
    legend: null,
    sliceGradient: -0.8
} ).addTo('svg');

Semicircular donut chart with highlighted slice
// draw a semi-circular donut chart with highlighted slice
$.Graph.pieChart( {
    data: [ 2133, 58, 911, 838, 282, 56 ],
    labels: [ 'Coal', 'Oil', 'Gas', 'Nuclear', 'Hydro', 'Wind' ],
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    startAngle: -90,
    endAngle: 90,
    fontSize: 24,
    fontWeight: 700,
    textInside: 'percentage',
    textInsideStyle: { color: 'white' },
    textOutside: 'none',
    borderSize: 6,
    legend: { 
        position: { top: 20 }, 
        orientation: 'horizontal', 
        alignment: 'center' 
    pieHole: 0.4,
    sliceGradient: 0.8,
    reverseCategories: false,
    chartArea: { top: 100, height: 900 },
    slices: [ {}, { offset: 0.075 } ]
} ).addTo('svg');
This page was last modified on 20 February 2015, at 12:51.